17 people who accidentally fell asleep in the most absurd moments and places

by Alison Forde

July 15, 2021

17 people who accidentally fell asleep in the most absurd moments and places

When fatigue makes itself felt overwhelmingly, there is little to be done: try to sleep and rest as much as possible. Unfortunately, the times and current modern society force us into a rather frenetic pace of life, which leaves less and less space for our personal needs and leisure. Indeed, we can often only sleep a few hours a night, especially in moments of greatest stress - a time when, instead, we should be recharging our batteries to better face the next day. When we start to accumulate lost hours of sleep, we sometimes end up falling asleep at inopportune times and, sometimes, even in unusual places. Have you ever fallen asleep in front of the computer after lunch? Well, the people on this photo list fell asleep at just such inopportune moments.

1. "Ok, I think it was my exam week!"

1. "Ok, I think it was my exam week!"

theshitclockisticking / imgur

Studying can be very tiring, especially if there are exams in sight and the stress increases!


2. He abandoned himself to his fate, waiting for the subway ...

2. He abandoned himself to his fate, waiting for the subway ...

Reddit / Silverback133

3. This guy managed to get on the subway, but fell asleep anyway ...

3. This guy managed to get on the subway, but fell asleep anyway ...

andruha1123 / imgur

How difficult is it not to be rocked to sleep by the gentle movement of the train? Public transport is the place where people, especially in the early morning or in moments of great fatigue, cannot resist Morpheus. The eyelids close as the bus reaches the terminus ...

4. Captured while taking a nap in the workplace

4. Captured while taking a nap in the workplace

marcofo / reddit

5. What can I say, at least there's something to hold him up ...

5. What can I say, at least there's something to hold him up ...

Instagram / shibuyameltdown

Another worker who could not bear the burden of fatigue during the outward journey to the work.


6. "This is my wife taking a nap ..."

6. "This is my wife taking a nap ..."


7. Too much studying?

7. Too much studying?


How many naps have you taken on your school desk? Unfortunately, the alarm at half past seven didn't help ...


8. The weight of responsibility makes itself felt ...

8. The weight of responsibility makes itself felt ...


9. I get a stiff neck just looking a this guy!

9. I get a stiff neck just looking a this guy!


It doesn't matter if you are tired or if you are about to break your neck: you have to go to school anyway!


10. Congratulations on your inventiveness!

10. Congratulations on your inventiveness!

TheEy3ofRa / imgur

11. He just closed his eyes for a few moments...

11. He just closed his eyes for a few moments...

Unknown / imgur


12. Mmm, how comfy!

12. Mmm, how comfy!


Airports and railway stations are waiting places par excellence and, more often than not, you spend hours waiting for your flight or train. This gentleman, however, really made the best of a bad situation!

13. He'll have a sore neck when he wakes up...

13. He'll have a sore neck when he wakes up...



14. When you need a break from work but can't be seen

14. When you need a break from work but can't be seen


15. A portable sleeping pod?

15. A portable sleeping pod?



16. Good luck in regaining the mobility in your arm ...

16. Good luck in regaining the mobility in your arm ...

Reddit / kma313

17. He says he's perfectly comfortable like this...

17. He says he's perfectly comfortable like this...

Reddit / parishiltin

And have you ever fallen asleep in some public place? Tell us in the comments!
