She becomes a grandmother at 38: "I wake up at 4 for my granddaughter, but I'm so happy!"

by Alison Forde

August 20, 2021

She becomes a grandmother at 38: "I wake up at 4 for my granddaughter, but I'm so happy!"

You are born, you grow up, you get married, you have children and last but not least, you become a grandparent! Being a grandparent is one of the best experiences you can have. It is a time in life when you realize you have to play the role of parent a little for the second time, looking after the grandchildren and giving advice to children who are just starting out with this new experience. Sometimes, however, it can happen that we become grandparents earlier than expected, thus being able to enjoy the grandchildren a little earlier than expected. This is exactly what happened to Lucy, a very young 38-year-old grandmother.

via Facebook / Lucy Millwood

Facebook / Lucy Millwood

Facebook / Lucy Millwood

Lucy Milwood is the lucky grandmother in this tale who, after being a young mother at just 16, became a grandmother after her daughter became pregnant herself at 20, an event that gave Lucy the opportunity to put into practice everything she learned during her experience as a mother. Now, they both get up early in the morning to look after the new granddaughter, Maizie, together.

“When I learned that I was going to be a grandmother, I was excited. For me it meant spending more time with my grandchild!" admits Lucy, knowing how many difficulties can arise since she has experienced firsthand the reality of being a young mother.

In fact, when she was only 16, Lucy began to have morning sickness and a suspicion that something was wrong - a suspicion that turned out to be correct. The young woman had met her boyfriend only three months earlier and, although the couple were more in love than ever, she was not yet ready to have a baby. Nonetheless, they still decided to try to stay together and carry on with the pregnancy.


Facebook / Lucy Millwood

Facebook / Lucy Millwood

However, as you might have guessed, a few months after the birth of her daughter Mikalah, the young woman found herself facing a much more serious problem than childbirth: the child's father had run away off and left her.

So, Lucy, now a single mother, had to learn everything about it from her mother who immediately taught her to get by on her own. A very important support for her, given the many difficulties related to her young age. "My mother was always there for me and she took care of Mikalah on special occasions," says the new grandmother. "My mother, although she supported me, always told me that she was not her daughter's babysitter" continues Lucy. Indeed, for the single mother, it was much appreciated advice because it helped her to be more independent.

Her life continued unsurprisingly, until her daughter Mikalah began to go through difficult times due to adolescence. Lucy then decided to help her by inviting her to go with her to the gym, where she could be distracted and free her mind. And, as it happens, it was right in her mother's gym that Mikalah met her new boyfriend: her personal trainer Matt. After a brief but intense love affair, the two made an unexpected discovery: they were expecting a baby. At the age of 20, almost as young as her mother before her, Mikalah told Lucy that she was to become a mother.


Facebook / Lucy Millwood

Facebook / Lucy Millwood

Today Lucy is happy to express her feelings and to see that her daughter is reliving her own story: "I am a person who always sees the positive side of things. I have a very happy personality" admits the young grandmother after learning about her daughter's pregnancy. "I was over the moon when she told me she was expecting a baby. I knew I was going to be a young grandmother, but for me it meant I would have more years to spend with my granddaughter," concluded Lucy.

Being called a grandmother has a strange effect on Lucy, who is only 40 at the moment, however she is also filled with joy to see her daughter happy with along with her little baby girl.

Best wishes to these two brave women!

