Betrayed by her boyfriend, she posts flyers to locate her boyfriend's lover's betrayed partner

How would you take it if you found out that your partner was cheating on you? We already know the answer: you wouldn't take it at all well and you would be absolutely right; but don't go crazy in your reaction. In fact, many don't take the break up from their partner with lightheartedness and tranquility, quite the contrary. There have been cases all over the world in which, in order to make the ex-cheating partner pay for their crimes of passion, the betrayed people have posted leaflets in the city to spread gossip anonymously but at the same time in front of curious eyes to humiliate the errant partner...
via Il Mattino

And this is what happened in the streets of Scafati, a town near Salerno, in the south of Italy; a woman posted flyers which were impossible to ignore. The announcement in large letters read: "AAA Wanted Luigi, boyfriend of Valeria who lives in the Scafati area. I want to tell him and show him how his girlfriend enjoys destroying years of cohabitation with a clandestine relationship with my partner (and she wasn't the only one). There are messages and calls that confirm the meetings that took place while Luigi and I were at work. I'm Michela, this is my number, I'd be happy to chat with Luigi. "
In short, it seems that the situation is rather complicated: this Michela has discovered that her boyfriend was cheating on her with a certain Valeria, who was already engaged to Luigi and now wants to tell all the participants in this love tangle the truth, and not only them, but to the whole town of Scafati!

StockVault/Not The Actual Photo
At the moment, however, the local citizens have not been able to track down the protagonists of this love triangle (or square?) that caused such a sensation in the southern Italian village; many think that behind that flyer there is a brilliant marketing gimmick, while others are intrigued and want to know more and understand if sooner or later some of these people (Michela, Valeria or Luigi), will show up and tell the whole truth. And then who knows what will happen!
And you, how would you have reacted to such a betrayal? Would you also have told the four winds about the delicate situation to reveal the truth to everyone?