A guy goes to live alone and celebrates the purchase of the new refrigerator on Twitter: "For me it is a great achievement"

When we finally manage to leave the safety of the house in which we have always lived with our parents, we immediately realize the amount of problems to be faced. Living alone, in fact, is not as easy as one might imagine. Among the many things you have to learn to think about are bills to pay, grocery shopping to be done weekly, and appliances to buy. All apparently simple things for those who have long been used to living in complete autonomy. For a young adult starting out, on the other hand, it's not easy to think of everything and, at times, even the purchase of a refrigerator can become a great goal to be achieved ...
An important purchase

This is the case of Mariano Cantero, a young man who lives in Resistencia, Argentina, and who celebrated the purchase of a brand new refrigerator on Twitter. A goal that he had set himself some time ago, given the cost of these appliances. After months of tiring sacrifices and savings, Mariano finally managed to afford everything he needed.
In the tweet, the Argentine boy says he was made fun of by many web users because of his apparently "normal" purchase. For these people, buying a refrigerator is a small expense given their financial resources. For Mariano, on the other hand, it was great personal progress, also considering the dramatic situation that Argentina is experiencing in this period.

Often, in fact, a young person's salary is not enough to bear the expenses of every day living, having to constantly pay attention to their own finances. For Mariano, as for many kids who are starting to live alone, every day is a new adventure in which you try to move forward as best you can.
Contrary to the numerous criticisms received, there are many online users who have decided to tell their stories as independent young people, moved by the enthusiasm of the young Argentine. In addition, many Internet users congratulated themselves for saving so much that they paid for a refrigerator in a single installment. Not an easy saving considering the numerous expenses to be faced monthly.
We know how difficult it is to start from scratch and start making big purchases on your own. For this reason, in our small way, we wish only the best to this guy who will finally be able to invite his friends to dinner without having to keep the leftover food in the coolest corners of the house. Congratulations on your new purchase Mariano!