She refuses to buy toilet paper to save money: "I hate spending money, I avoid it if I can"

These days, the art of getting by and saving what you can has almost become a necessity, especially for people who have found themselves in difficulty with work and who are trying in every way to make ends meet by being careful not to spend too much. However, there are people who have made the "frugal life" a way of every day life, sometimes even at decidedly curious and pathological levels. Meet Kate Hashimoto, a super-saver who has raised a lot of discussion ...
via The Sun UK

The Asian-born woman, despite having lived for three years in New York City, has revealed that she hates spending her money and that her city apartment has been furnished almost entirely from "recycled" material; as the woman said, for example some of her furniture was found abandoned on the side of the road or next to garbage cans, while for example her bed is all made of multiple layers of discarded yoga mats; her dining table is just a huge pile of magazines and newspapers. But she didn't stop there ...

Kata Hashimoto told in her own words what it means to live a life of frugality, and now we are all definitely baffled: "I furnished my house by collecting the furniture that was discarded on the street before the garbage picked it up, I saved a couple of thousands of dollars on furniture. Also, I don't use toilet paper, I only use soap and water to wash myself, if I am drying my hands in a public bathroom for example, to save money, I keep the paper towels and reuse them."
And if that sounds good enough, Katie Hashimoto has more than once stated that she hasn't bought new underwear since 1998 and that she hasn't bought new clothes in eight years - that's saving every last penny!

The point is that, after all these revelations, we have to ask ourselves: hasn't this woman gone a little too far? After all, we have absolutely no idea how to live in the way that the Asian woman who has lived in New York for over three years said, but as she says: "If I have to spend money, I try to avoid doing it and I will always try to pay as little as possible", then we can simply acknowledge it.
What do you think of this super-saver?