A baby girl wears a dress her late mother made in a moving photoshoot this man arranged to pay homage to his wife

When an important member of our family passes away, the memory is always alive in our mind and in the things that surround us; it may be a photograph, a dress, a particular object that reminds us of someone who is no longer there, or simply a smell, a sensation. To celebrate and pay homage to those who have left us prematurely, what could be better than to commemorate their life with an original and moving photo shoot? Read carefully what this dad, who is now raising his daughter alone, did to pay homage to his wife who suddenly passed away ...
His name is James Alvarez, and he suddenly lost his wife Yesenia 12 months earlier, while she was 35 weeks pregnant; the woman was the victim of a car accident caused by a drunk driver, and to save the life of the baby she was carrying, the doctors at the hospital had to perform an emergency caesarean section; Adalyn, the daughter of James and Yesenia, was fortunately born without any complications, while her mother unfortunately did not make it.
So, to celebrate and pay homage to the woman who has suddenly passed away, James Alvarez has decided to stage a moving photo shoot with his little daughter. They chose the same location as the pre-natal photoshoot which he and Yesenia had made just over a year earlier, before the terrible accident ...
In the recent photo shoot, James and his one-year-old daughter pay homage to the missing mother with the latter wearing a beautiful pink dress that Yesenia had made for her birth a year earlier; a truly symbolic and moving gesture that James recounted with these emotionally charged words: "It was a hard path, but I went through it with my head held high. I try to be the best father possible for my daughter. I want my wife to be proud of me."
The man then published these extraordinary words just when he posted the photo shoot with little Adalyn on his Instagram profile: "Today marks a year after the death of my wife, but also a year from the birth of our beautiful daughter. In these photos, I have Adalyn dressed in a little pink dress her mother made and we took pictures in the same place where we did our pre-Christmas photo shoot with my wife."
Obviously, the very tender images of this father and this little girl are truly touching, and it is practically impossible not to shed a tear of emotion at the thought that they did all this to pay homage to the wife and mother who is no longer there.
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