Homeless woman who lived in her car is hired by a shop: now, no one can do without her anymore

You should never judge a book by its cover; a saying that applies not only to texts but also to people; in short, very often appearances can be deceiving even though we are convinced that some individuals are to be condemned a priori. Think for example of homeless people: not all of them have negative histories or are bad guys, there are many people who tragically lost their families, jobs or economic security and who would give anything to go back or have a second chance ...
via NBC News

This is the story of LaShenda Williams, a homeless woman from Nashville who lived in her car and slept with her seat reclined in a parking lot in the hopes of not being seen by those passing by; a situation of great difficulty born of a truly difficult past: La Shenda had lost everything too due to the use and abuse of drugs, and now she was waiting for a providential signal that would make her change her life. But it wasn't easy.

Of her homelessness experience, the Nashville woman said: "There were days when I had nothing to eat, but God gave me the strength to overcome even this difficulty!" Then the woman walked into a shop one day asking for some change to move on but also trying to convince the owner, Jackie Vandal, that she could work there as an employee: "I remember I was cold and I said: 'Lord, feed me.' I never knew that sleeping out in that parking lot and wanting something to eat, and that all the abuse and stuff I've been through would lead me right here."
Jackie Vandal, manager of the Kroger store, had a sixth sense, she knew that this woman in serious trouble was different from all the others and that, if hired, she would give her all to work well: "It was only a sixth sense, a instinctive feeling. You can only guess at it when people are truly genuine and the people you know are doing their best to improve".

After helping LaShenda fill out the job application form, Jackie made a bold decision and told the homeless woman she would call her for work in just a few days - she was officially hired!
Ten months later, LaShenda Williams is still a beloved and invaluable asset to the Kroger company; as Jackie said, "Now here at work we are all more grateful, we are more grateful, we are happier, we feed on that ethics and spirit that LaShenda helped spread!"

The woman who used to live inside her car now has her own apartment that her colleagues at Kroger helped furnish; today, LaShenda is a new woman, happier and more grateful for the life she has, but above all she is a deeply changed woman: “I will continue to work hard every day to spread love and joy like no other. For the first time, now I know what love is. Now I know what friendship is!"
This woman's story really warmed our hearts!