In 10 years she has cheated on her husband 25 times, but he always welcomes her back as if nothing had happened

There are those people who are cut out for a happy life as a monogamous couple and those who, after some time, just can't do it and cheat on their partner with other people; maybe there is not even a simple explanation behind why they act in this way, the cause may be boredom, the end of feelings, or a moment in your life in which you want to experience new experiences with new people. We don't know what exactly happens in the heads of those who cheat on their partner over and over again, yet the incredible case we are going to tell you today has exceeded all limits ...
via India Times

This absurd story happened in a village in the Assam region of India, and the protagonist is a mother of three children (respectively six years, three years and three months); according to her neighbors or villagers who know her, this woman has never been able to be faithful to her husband for too long. It seems that in all this time the woman has cheated on her spouse 25 times in about 10 years, and each time she has then returned prostrate in the arms of her husband Mafizuddin, who is a chauffeur by profession.
Every time she returns she promises her family not to "run away" anymore, but instead she falls back on her old ways every time: "Often and gladly my wife says she went to her parents' house, other times instead to find some of her relatives who are not well But it's not like that, she's always cheated on me. Every time I accept her back into the house because I know she is the mother of my three children and she has to take care of them. I love her but also who will look after the children if I don't let her come back home? ", said her husband.

The situation is truly incredible, and Mafizuddin also told how it went the last time she ran away from home without warning, to date the 25th escapade in about ten years of marriage: "When I got home from work I heard from my parents that she had fled again and left my three-month-old son at a neighbor's house who was watching him in the meantime. The excuse was that she was going to collect some feed to give to the goats, but the reality is that I don't know when she will be back."
What is your opinion of this strange and absurd family situation? How would you have acted if you had been in the place of this rather too "permissive" husband?