He builds a revolving house for his wife: now she can see the sun rising and friends passing by at the same time

Is there anything we wouldn't do to keep our beloved spouse happy? After all, life as a couple, especially when one is married, requires a lot of mutual attention, everything in daily life is done together, from small to big things; of course, there is no lack of quarrels or misunderstandings, but at the end of the day you would really do everything to make your life partner happy, to satisfy them and to fulfill their desires. Just like this Bosnian husband did for his wife ...
via Reuters
His name is Vojin Kusic, he is 72 years old and lives in Bosnia with his wife; tired of his wife's constant "complaints", with a lot of patience and self-taught work Vojin built a real house which actually revolves to please her: "I got tired of her complaints and the frequent renovations to our family home and so I told her: I will build you a revolving house so that you can revolve it as you wish! Now, the house I built for her can make a full rotation in 24 hours when at the lowest speed, while at the fastest rotation it can make a full revolution in 22 seconds!"

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The man, who now lives in his revolving house just outside the town of Sbrac in northern Serbia, created this private building over the course of six, very long years, self-taught and inspired by the theories and inventions of the Serbian-American scientists Nikola Tesla and Mihajlo Pupin. Coming from a rather poor family, the man did not have an education with all the trimmings, for this reason he decided to achieve everything with his own strength and his ingenuity, which he did not lack at all: "All that I have created is not an innovation in science or construction, it only requires will and knowledge, and I have had enough time and knowledge. "
Now this revolving house, located on a plain in northern Bosnia, is capable of rotating on itself around a 7-meter axis designed by the same man, with a view of the wheat fields and agricultural land in front of it, buildings that quickly "transform" into forests complete with rivers that flow at the desired speed. Just because Vojin's wife wanted to have a 360 degree view!
What wouldn't you do to please your wife, right? Vojin Kusic knows something about this!