He can't buy food for his children because his card is refused: a policeman pays for him

by Alison Forde

November 01, 2021

He can't buy food for his children because his card is refused: a policeman pays for him

A father has to be able to provide basic necessities for his children, but what exactly should he do when he realizes he doesn't have enough money on his card to pay for the shopping? Surely, the father in this story will have felt the embarrassment and the responsibility of having to leave the supermarket empty-handed, together with his two children. On the other hand, when your credit card is rejected, there are not many other alternatives: you have to put down all the groceries and leave empty-handed. A policeman, however, witnessed the scene and couldn't stand by and watch without doing anything. Thanks to his generous gesture, the family will at least have had something to eat that evening.

via Inside Edition

Scrolling through random Facebook posts and then see this one that makes us ALL proud to be Cleveland police officers....

Pubblicato da Cleveland TN Police Department su Sabato 5 maggio 2018

A father had gone to the supermarket, with his two children, to buy something to eat, like any self-respecting parent. When it came time to pay for the shopping, the man's credit card was refused: "I'm sorry sir, the card has been refused" the clerk at the cashier replied reluctantly. At that point, the man had no other choice but to take his children by the hand and walk away from the shop empty-handed. At that moment, however, a police officer who had witnessed the scene stepped forward to help the financially troubled family.

Flickr / Mike mozart (Not the actual photo)

Flickr / Mike mozart (Not the actual photo)

The policeman couldn't ignore that heartbreaking situation: a parent who would have nothing to feed his children that night. So, without too much delay, the policeman approached this father and said: "Let me bless your day" and with these words he offered to pay the entire shopping bill out of his own pocket.

"The little girl's face shocked me, her eyes were filling with tears ... it broke my heart. I felt that God was saying to me: 'I put you here for a reason'" said the policeman, who only was later identified as Mike Kelly, a man already known for his generosity and big heart.

A post of thanks for Mike appeared on the Cleveland Police website, accompanied by hundreds of positive comments praising his kindness and big heart.

In short, this officer has put himself in all respects on the side of his community, offering practical help to a family in difficulty.
