She says her neighbor is "too young" to have a house of her own and calls the police

by Alison Forde

November 04, 2021

She says her neighbor is "too young" to have a house of her own and calls the police

When you decide to take the plunge and buy a house for yourself there it can be difficult to contain your joy; after all, living within the walls that we ourselves own and in which we invest a great deal of our resources is no small feat. Too bad that the very important moment of buying and selling a house all for ourselves can be ruined by some troubles that we would never want to experience, such as that of interfering neighbors. The latter can in fact be a real thorn in the side in some cases, and this story we are about to tell you is the confirmation ...

via Reddit

Unsplash/Not The Actual Photo

Unsplash/Not The Actual Photo

An anonymous young woman wanted to tell of her incredible experience, on Reddit, with an overly nosy neighbor after she finally bought a house of her own, a decisive and exciting moment for every young adult who, after coming of age, wants to definitively enter the world of adults with a good dose of independence. Here is her story:

"I was lucky enough to buy a house and it only cost $15,000, I have to say it's pretty nice. It didn't need a lot of work aside from a new roof and cabinets that needed to be replaced, but my dad is a carpenter, so it didn't matter much. The previous owner was an older man who sadly passed away after living in the house since before I was born. I finally managed to move in 2 months ago. It was fun to reach this milestone, but there it is. It also took some time to get used to living alone.

3 weeks after moving in, I was out planting some flowers for spring and wanted to do it before the ground freezes. My neighbor, I'll call her Jane (maybe she's 50?), came out and introduced herself. I explained that I had just moved in and was preparing my garden for spring. She said it was nice that someone was doing some work for the elderly owner and she told me it's a quiet neighborhood and I shouldn't party late or loudly in the evenings. I told her that I don't generally throw parties, but I was planning on having a housewarming for Thanksgiving soon. She said it was strange to organize a housewarming when I was renting. I told her the house was mine. She didn't believe me and went home. "

Wikimedia/Not The Actual Photo

Wikimedia/Not The Actual Photo

The 20-year-old girl continued the tale:

"Last week, I was out painting my front door when my neighbor rushed in screaming that I had better be allowed to paint someone else's house. I told her again that the house is mine. She started screaming that I was too young to buy a house and was contacting my landlord. I told her to stop interfering and leave me alone. She started asking for proof. I told her it was none of her business and to leave my property. She walked to the edge of her yard and called the police saying I was a squatter. When the officers showed up, I showed them my ID and asked them to remove my neighbor from my property.

The next day I was talking to my father asking what I should do. He said I was stupid to make enemies with my neighbors and said I should just indulge her as best I could. I didn't feel like I was wrong, but my dad thinks I was. What do you think of it?"

How would you have reacted to this nosy neighbor if you had been in this young woman's shoes?
