A kid hides behind a wall to watch cartoons: his family can't afford a TV

Poverty is a social and economic problem that is becoming more and more rampant; the economic crisis and the pandemic are increasingly bringing entire families onto the streets, who previously had no problems making it to the end of the month; the saddest thing about this whole situation is that often there are also children who suffer the horrible consequences of poverty, instead of having the chance to live their childhood and adolescence with lightheartedness and happiness. Unfortunately, in reality, this is not the case...

It tugs at your heart to think that hundreds of thousands of children all over the world suffer from hunger and poverty because the family in which they live unfortunately cannot afford any luxuries and cannot make ends meet; think of these photos posted on Facebook by Angel Fonseca, a social media user who lives in the town of Las Choapas in Mexico; while the man was walking down the street he noticed an evidently poor child who was trying to hide behind a wall so as not to be noticed, but not because he was committing some kind of act which was against the law; the little one was simply hiding while he tried to follow what was being broadcast on a TV in a shop in the little street...

What the TV was broadcasting at the time was a children's program, and more specifically cartoons which were apparently of great interest to the shy child; the identity of the child is unknown, but the fact is that Angel Fonseca has generated many comments and interactions among web users, who have been particularly moved by those images of child poverty; there are those who said "I was one of those children who went to watch TV other places because we did not have a TV, but God is great, he never abandons us and if someone can give us more information about the child, I want to buy him something he deserves. He is a King!", And others who have drawn a great lesson in humanity from these moving images: "I think what Angel is trying to say with these photos is that we must be grateful for what we have, since there are others that they don't and for what little we have we have to try to help people."

We do not know if this child cannot afford a TV at home or if he lives in a family without comfort or enough money to get by, but the fact is that these images have once again opened our eyes to a truly huge problem and it's one that still shows no sign of being completely resolved: child poverty in the world.