She discovers that her daughters cannot attend a birthday party "because they have to dye their hair"

When our children make great friendships with their peers and classmates, we parents are particularly happy, because we know in our hearts that our children are finally learning to relate to others and are slowly learning the art of making friends. And what better time to make new friends than at a happy birthday party? An anonymous mother said, however, that not all birthday parties for children are easy affairs, as she found herself in a really unpleasant situation ...
via Mirror UK

Aberdeen Proving Ground/Flickr - Not The Actual Photo
Here is what the woman said on Reddit, asking for advice from users in a completely anonymous way: "My 11 and 10 year old daughters both have purple hair. They love it this way and have dyed it since they were 6 years old (with caution). They were invited to a little girl's birthday / Halloween party provided they had their hair dyed a natural color. I asked why and the mother insisted that their hair would be a problem in the birthday photos as it would be too eye catching. I asked if my daughters might just not be in the photos and she said there is no way to guarantee it and to dye their hair a" normal "color or they wouldn't be able to come."
When the woman realized that her daughters could not attend the birthday party, she organized a separate event with other friends and companions, but this sparked the anger of the mother who had organized the other party: "We had a second party; the girls had a blast and I posted some pictures online. Apparently this was a bad move because the little girl's mother saw my post and asked me what right I had to steal her daughter's limelight on her birthday. Her daughter saw the photos and she was angry that she didn't het to the party because they didn't have the same games we did."

kelly taylor/Wikimedia - Not The Actual Photo
The woman then concluded her story with these words: "Her mother said I was inappropriate as someone had teased her just because my daughters couldn't come to their party and that if I really wanted them there, I could have brought them and just dyed their hair. What do you think I should have done, dear Reddit users? Am I the one wrong or am I right? "
Obviously, most of the users who read his outburst took the side of the humiliated mother, who could not let her two daughters participate in the birthday party due to their purple hair, condemning the actions of the woman who had organized the birthday party as too severe.
And you, how would you have reacted if you had been in the same position as this stunned mother?