A girl who had been kidnapped manages to save herself thanks to a technique she learned on social media

Fortunately, social networks can be an important meeting place in which to share useful information. They can even be life-saving, as well as a place to spend some free time and relax. Thanks to social networks, therefore, an attempt has been made to spread a very important message to help women victims of domestic violence: a hand that shows four fingers closed in a fist. A silent gesture, born from an initiative of the Canadian Women's Foundation, which went viral on the net starting during the first lockdown against Covid-19 in 2020. A signal that, fortunately, was picked up by many women and men and that was able to save the life of a 16-year-old who had been kidnapped.
via ABC news
A North Carolina teenager had been absent for a few days and her family had reported her missing to the police. Fortunately, the young woman must have remembered the help signal against domestic violence that only a few years earlier had gone viral on the TikTok platform. A simple but very effective gesture, which now seems to be known all over the world. The Canadian Women's Foundation created and disseminated it precisely for those women who do not feel safe at home and who at the same time cannot ask for help. If you are in a video call, for example, and you cannot speak openly about your problem, just raise your hand without being seen and make that simple gesture to alert the person you are talking to.
The girl, whose identity remains unknown, began making the famous hand gesture towards the owner of another car, hoping to be understood. The driver, in fact, understood very well what was happening and wasted no time in calling for help. Once the domestic violence report was filed, the police were able to intervene and stop the vehicle in which a 61-year-old man had kidnapped the girl. A story with a happy ending, which helps us to understand how the gesture could also be established as a request for help in general; think for example of a child who is bullied at school or any other context such as the very serious crime of kidnapping. In short, a gesture that is able to save lives is always a good idea, don't you think?