He travels 1000km to meet the girl he met on the internet, but she doesn't show up in the end

When love is involved, no one can be sure of an easy ride. If you are deeply in love with a person, you are also capable of doing apparently absurd and impossible things, such as traveling 1000 kilometers to meet the person of your dreams, the one we believe may be our perfect match. Today, with the advent of the internet, computers, smartphones and social networks, every person, even the most distant, can be reached by simply sending a text message. The question is: can you fall in love even from a distance and be convinced of it? The answer is yes, at least for the boy who is the protagonist of this unpleasant story...
The male protagonist of this somewhat absurd story is called Mateus, he lives about 1000 km away from the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and for two years he had had a virtual romantic relationship with a girl named Luana, who lives right in the great South American metropolis. Over the course of these two years, Mateus had decided to do odd jobs to earn something to put in his pocket and above all to pay for the bus trip to São Paulo to finally meet his "virtual" girlfriend. But he could never have imagined that, after traveling 1000 km by bus and without having the money for the return trip, he wouldn't even see a hint of the lovely Luana.
When Mateus got off the bus, sure to find his Luana, he was saddened: there was no one waiting for him, and in the meantime the young woman had deleted him from her contacts and blocked him from all social networks; the poor 18-year-old Brazilian guy had been deceived, and now without enough money to pay for either a hotel room and a return ticket, he didn't know what to do; he was living in what seemed like a real nightmare!

With only three dollars in his pocket, Mateus had to sleep that night near the bus terminal, but luckily a group of soldiers who were patrolling the area noticed him, listened to his incredible and unfortunate story and decided to give him a hand; they made a collection for him and managed to raise 90 dollars, enough to be able to afford a return ticket home.
An incredible and bitter story that however warns against the illusions of virtual relationships; not all that glitters is gold, and we must be careful not to get too involved in things that are bigger than us and of which we cannot be in control. Maybe next time, we recommend Mateus to focus on a real girl!