Two best friends decide to have a child and share responsibilities even though they are not a couple

The concept of the traditional family, understood as children who are born to a biological mother and father, has changed a lot in recent decades. Whether you agree with the new trends or not, what is certain is that a child needs parents who look after him in the best possible way and who will love him. Journalist Agustina Kämpfer, for example, chose to conceive her baby with her best friend, chef Agustín Badaracco. Although not a "typical" or traditional couple, the two friends love each other and have chosen to share this responsibility, even though they are not involved in a love relationship.
Although it may seem strange at first reading, the woman describes her relationship with her chef friend in this way: "From an early age we were very close, we both went through difficult times in our lives, we broke up after relationships of many years and we never lost contact. One day, we met in a restaurant and had a few glasses of wine." The rest, as Augustine recounts, came about quite organically. The woman, who is very popular on Instagram, thus explained the birth of her son Juan, her great love of her life, denying that she had resorted to artificial insemination.
When it came to having children they were both ready to take that step and to share this enormous responsibility even outside of a traditional romantic relationship. "We don't live together, but the way Juan connected us and made us have a much closer relationship made me realize that having my son with my best friend was the best decision I've ever made." Augustine reiterated.
The two see each other often and the father is present in the child's life, although Augustine now has a stable relationship with another man, with whom she lives and who looks after Juan as if he were his father. During Juan's birthdays, the family don't mind celebrating in the presence of the baby's father and the mother's boyfriend. What is certain is that the child will never lack the love of his parents and their support: this is a real family!