Unemployed teacher hangs a sign from his bicycle offering tuition: his life changes in the blink of an eye

This photo of teacher Diego Amorim Novaes, with a sign hanging from his bike and offering private lessons in front of a school in Brazil, has been viewed all over the world. Diego is an unemployed teacher, and desperately tried to remedy his economic misfortune. Fortunately, a colleague who was inside the school building photographed Diego and posted his image on social media. With the picture going viral, teacher Diego soon became famous and was sought out by many students needing his academic expertise.

While Brazil’s unemployment rate is at a historic high, there are those who try very hard to find work in any way possible. This photo of teacher Diego Amorim Novaes caught the attention of Internet users everywhere. The teacher parked his bicycle outside of a school, and then he hung a poster from it offering private lessons.
Diego is a 27-year-old teacher, specialising in scientific subjects. The poster he displayed on his bike read "Clases paticulares" or "Private lessons" and he wrote down his phone number next to these words. Then he placed himself and his bicycle in front of a school in Campina Grande, in the state of Paraíba, in Brazil. Having done this, he then waited very patiently for any students to call him. This unusual scene, however, was noticed by another teacher named Iury, who was inside the school. Sympathising with his colleague struggling under these dire conditions, he decided to post a photo of him to social media - and this image touched the hearts of many other teachers and students.

Iury is a chemistry teacher, and is also a colleague of Diego's. He considers himself lucky to have a steady job and he felt a strong sense of solidarity and empathy with Diego. As soon as he saw Diego outside the school with his bicycle and sign, he realized how difficult it is to find work especially if you're young. Knowing this, Iury asked his social media followers to post Diego's phone number around the web in order to help his colleague out.
"The courage of this teacher impressed me. He was standing at the entrance of a famous school in Campina Grande. He deserves all our respect and support. We will help by sharing - he really deserves a chance!" wrote Iury in his post.
Within a very short time, Diego Amorin received an staggering number of requests for tutoring. In an interview with a local broadcaster, Diego stated that he knew nothing about the publication of the photo by his colleague. He then went on to thank all those people who had worked hard to make his situation known. "I really appreciate the help I was given. What I really wanted was a job. That is why I refused donations that were offered to me."
Today, Diego has completed a series of interviews that led to teaching jobs in a high school - even though it is on a temporary contract for now. We must wish all the best to this wonderful person who is doing everything to pursue his dreams!