Neighbors keep destroying his fence, he replaces it with concrete and destroys 8 of their cars

Coexistence with neighbors often turns into a real nightmare, so much so that for some it even becomes a reason to move house. It takes a lot of luck to find respectful neighbors and what this family have experienced proves it. A girl named Miha, in fact, told the strange story of her family, who have been perpetually in quarrel with the neighbors because of a fence that was constantly being torn down or ruined. The story took place in a small village in the Balkans and the girl commented on how the whole town is inhabited by rather crazy people. In the end, her father managed to find a solution that, in part, silenced the annoying neighbors: he build a small concrete barrier so that no one could destroy his fence and the plants in his garden with their car.
via Reddit / MihaM12

Miha said that her family owns a small piece of land in front of their house, which directly overlooks the street. This portion of land should, in theory, be square, but the family decided to "smooth out" the corner by creating a fence and an arched hedge of plants, in such a way as to facilitate a turning space for cars. A kindness that, however, was completely useless, as the tiny piece of land they owned, which now appeared as an integral part of the road, was not paved and the neighbors complained that Miha's parents, as owners of this piece of land, should take care of the work. For 20 years, no one has done anything but continue to destroy the hedge and the fence surrounding Miha's family home with their cars. In a nutshell, all the neighbors seemed to have failed to allow enough room every time they turned the corner and have ended up damaging the hedge. Miha's father then devised a plan to take revenge.

Initially, the father put barrels full of rocks on the corner of the street, but the neighbors kept hitting their cars against them every time they turned. After some time, in addition to the constant complaints from the neighbors, he found himself with the barrels left in a practically unusable condition. At that point, he conceived a more effective vengeance: he raised a concrete kerb in front of his hedge, giving it a very sharp shape. The neighbors continued not paying attention and driving up against it, but this time it was they who lost out: their cars were seriously damaged! Miha said that with this small protective concrete barrier they destroyed 8 of the neighbors' cars!
Although the neighbors have always threatened the man (a policeman) with calling the police, they never did, also because they know they are in the wrong. What can I say, maybe they will learn to be more careful while driving and to respect their poor neighbor ... or perhaps they'd rather pay for car repairs every month!