Bride kicks her family out of her wedding: their youngest did nothing but cry and fuss throughout

by Mark Bennett

December 27, 2021

Bride kicks her family out of her wedding: their youngest did nothing but cry and fuss throughout

It is not easy to organize a wedding; the couple wants their wedding to be a perfect day - flawless and unforgettable from every point of view. Everything must be in its place: from the flower decorations to the reception venue, from the food to the guests, and right up on to the dress code for the celebration. And can you imagine there are even some people who ask their guests to follow a very strict rule: they must not bring young children or infants with them to the ceremony or the reception.

via AITA/Reddit

Pixabay/Not The Actual Photo

Pixabay/Not The Actual Photo

The reason a bride and groom may impose such a strict rule is that they do not want their perfect day "ruined" by the continuous distractions caused by little ones, who may not be able to control themselves and do nothing but complain, scream, whine, fuss and shout. For a child, this behaviour is absolutely normal, but perhaps this is not acceptable for future spouses. Today, we want to tell you about the anger of a bride who had decided to organize a wedding without children being allowed. But her sister, who did have anyone to babysit her two children - 2 and 5 years old - begged the bride to be able to bring them with her. Eventually, the bride relented and allowed the children to come. Now hear what the bride said on Reddit:

"I got married last Saturday. It was a small ceremony with fewer than 70 guests in attendance. I opted for a childless wedding for both cost and convenience. I like children, but not at my wedding. Most people agreed with me. The wedding was announced a year in advance so that people could find sitters for their little ones in good time. The problem is, my sister was one of the four bridesmaids. She has two children, one is 2 years old and the other is 5. On Thursday, my sister told me the babysitter would not be able to look after her children and begged me to allow her to bring them to the wedding. Feeling pressured, I accepted, but I said we would all have to keep an eye on them.

On the big day, my sister was late because her kids were fussing when getting ready. Then, during the ceremony, my nephew (the youngest) started screaming, crying and fidgeting during the wedding vows. I was very upset. The reception venue was outdoors, and we could hear my nephew whining until my brother-in-law took him further away. I didn't see it at the time, but according to those that did, my sister was booted her husband out of the reception."

Pxfuel/Not The Actual Photo

Pxfuel/Not The Actual Photo

But the saga doesn't end there: "After the wedding ceremony, my sister disappeared for a while, and we had to go ahead and take wedding photos without her. After the photo session, my sister returned but didn't say a thing - no apologies, nothing. Later, she said, "Ha,ha,ha  - so sorry, it was his nap time! Now he's settled down." This was so disrespectful of me and I was furious. I told her I didn't appreciate how contemptuous she was of my wedding and this despite the fact that I had broken my own rules to allow her to come. But she and her whole family didn't seem to care. She said she was sorry, I was exaggerating things, and that, in the end, they had not caused such a big nuisance. I was seething with anger so I asked her to leave - I didn't want her there anymore.

She and our mother were very upset, but many people (mostly friends) said I had done the right thing. My family, however, thinks I am ungrateful and should not have punished them like this. I'm not mad at my nephew. I'm mad at myself for breaking my own rules for my sister, and especially because of her lukewarm apology. Tell me, am I the bad one here?"

What do you think, was this bride right to do what she did or did she go a bit too far?
