Man adopts his ex-wife's son and shows the world what it means to be a true father

What does it mean to be a father? Is it sufficient just to be biologically tied to a child to be considered a good father? The answer we illustrate with this story is a definite 'no'. A true father is that someone who guides their child growing up, helps and encourages them, cares for them and, most of all, is always by their side. And these were the qualities that Noah Egas had heard about the attributes that make up a good father. Noah had been a participant in the Spanish reality show "Mundos Opuestos" - which is a sort of Chilean Big Brother. Noah did not grow up with his real father, but with his mother's husband, Gonzalo Egas - who himself had been a contestant on the same TV show. And now Noah has asked Gonzalo to adopt him because he was always by his side when he was growing up. This is a story that touched the hearts of many in Chile.

Wilma Gonzales, a Spanish actress, and Gonzalo Egas met in on the reality show "Mundos Opuestos" - which is a sort of Big Brother broadcast on Chilean television. It was there that a love story was born which led to marriage, even though Wilma already had a baby, Noah, by another man.
Gonzalo became very fond of Noah and took care of him for five years as if he were his biological son. He fed him, listened to his first words, taught him how to ride a bicycle - in short, he behaved like a good and caring father.

As his relationship with his career actress wife fell apart, Gonzalo's relationship with her son grew stronger. His forthrightness and tenderness became very important to Noah and helped him grow away from his mother's superficial, celluloid world.
The couple separated in 2017 but little Noah refused to let Gonzalo go - he saw him as his real father. Wilma, for her part, never stopped the boy and her ex-husband from seeing each other whenever they wanted. She knew how much they meant to each other. When Wilma filed for divorce, she was very aware about the bond between her son and Gonzalo and wisey chose never to oppose it.
In fact, she accepted a request that Noah later made of her - to be allowed to be adopted by her ex-husband, Gonzalo. This request surprised Wilma at first, but she eventually accepted it as a natural consequence of the wonderful relationship between a father and a son. The boy now bears the surname of his adopted father and is now known as Noah Egas. "It was Noah's decision," Gonzalo said, "he chose me as his father and that's what our whole relationship was built on." Today Gonzalo Egas has become a well-known sports commentator for the newspaper "Las Últimas Noticias".
The agreement reached between the parents is that Noah can stay with his father for two weeks a month. And this seems fair, as Gonzalo says that Noah has taught him what fatherhood really means and what unconditional love is.
This wonderful story shows us once again what the word 'family' really means. And it shows us that biological bonds are not necessarily the only ones that can lead one to feel love and affection for someone else!