Professional photographer offers to take free pictures of a young girl whose dad only had a cellphone camera: a truly generous offer

Today, cases of anonymous, random people acting generously and without ulterior motives towards those less fortunate than them are increasingly rare; we call these acts of kindness or good deeds, and in our current society they are nearly impossible to find. But in today's story, we want to show you that all is not lost and there are still people around capable of carrying out good deeds and acts of kindness for those who are in need.

Today we want to introduce you to Emir Peña, a professional photographer from Mèrida in Mexico. Emir, on his Instagram account, wanted to recount the moving situation in which he found himself and which pushed him to peforming a great act of kindness towards a less well-off family. While walking through the streets of the Mexican town, Emir saw a family photographing their daughter who was celebrating her 15th birthday in a sparkling elegant red dress. It was a pity, however, that her father and mother were taking pictures of the teenage girl with only a simple cell phone.
For this reason, Emir approached the family and offered to provide them his services as a professional photographer - and completely for free ...

Emir said on Instagram: "My friends - I just saw a fifteen-year-old daughter with her father who was taking pictures of her on his mobile phone. I, in the meantime, was carrying a professional camera; so, I said to myself, let me go and see if he's still there and I'll give him some proper photos of his daughter."
When Emir first approached the family, it wasn't easy. The parents of the girl were very suspicious and hesitant - they did not know whether or not to immediately trust the stranger who had approached them and offered to perform a free, professional photo shoot.

In the end, however, the parents were convinced by the kindness and generosity of the Mexican photographer and agreed that their daughter could pose in her beautiful red dress in front of Emir's camera, and totally free of charge. This was an extraordinary gesture of kindness, direct from the photographer's heart, and one that made this family's day even more unforgettable!

You did a great thing, Emir!