80-year-old grandmother lets her granddaughter do her make-up and ends up looking 20 years younger

If used correctly, make-up can be exceptionally effective at hiding any facial imperfections or to shave off a few years from one's age; not everyone who has entered old age feels happy with the passing of time and the wrinkles that have appeared on their faces. And they feel equally worried about having lost the youthful glow they had when they were younger. How do you go about regaining a bit of lost youth and some healthy looks? In these cases, make-up takes care of it!
The benefits and magic of make-up are the main subjects of this makeover story. This is a story of an 80-year-old grandmother, who, fed up with her run-down appearance, decided to let her granddaughter do her make-up and transform her into a princess from a fairy tale. And who can blame the granny for wanting to feel beautiful again?
The 80-year-old granny is called Livia Lilly and she lives in Croatia. She unknowingly became a web phenomenon when her niece, Tea Mua Flego, a professional makeup artist, decided she would help her elderly relative feel more beautiful for a day. The results of this incredible experiment are truly surprising and unexpected.
It only took a little effort: just the skilful use of contour cream, lipstick, false eyelashes and the professional, creative hand of Tea to transform her grandmother into a movie star that all her peers will envy. Tea went to the nursing home where her grandmother lives to do her make-up properly, and now she looks almost thirty years younger: "Being in a nursing home and learning about the many positive reactions from the whole world about her new look means a lot to her! "
And in fact, the posts on Instagram featuring Livia Lilly with her dazzling new look, immediately made the rounds on the web, earning 25,000 likes on the same day that Tea published the "photo shoot" with her lovely grandmother. Seeing is believing!
There's no doubt about it: grandma Livia is truly unrecognizable now, and definitely looks thirty years younger wearing her professionally done make-up. What do you think? Do you prefer beauty using a few touches of makeup? Or should it be natural beauty using only soap and water for all ages?
Let us know in the comments below!
To continue following the artistic and professional path of Tea Mua Flego, click here.