She saves Euro 9,000 during the year to spend on Christmas

It is not easy to tighten our belts, make ends meet and save some money for the future. We all want to earn enough money to avoid any economic problems and to have some left over to deal with basic and unplanned, unexpected expenses. In short, the art of saving is not for everyone, but in this story, the choices of this wise young woman will perhaps make you think again. And who knows? Perhaps one day we will all be able to save like her!
via The Sun UK

Nadine Barrett, 35, says she has saved around 9,000 Euros ($10,100) a year. This has given her the ability to have some extra money in her pocket during the Christmas holidays and means she doesn't have to tighten her belt too much. Here is what Nadine said about how she managed to save up all this money for Christmas: "I had just bought a house, so I didn't have as much money to spend as in previous years, but I decided to try a few saving tricks anyway in order to save some money for Christmas."
What this 35-year-old woman did was to participate in surveys, take advantage of special offers during the year and, most of all, plan for expenses in advance. Nadine said: "Saving is a lot of fun for me; it ultimately allows me to achieve my goals and avoid any last minute worries, especially at Christmas. When goods are cheaper, I buy those I know my loved one will like, as well as some extra gifts that I can use if a last-minute party or birthday comes up."

Jernej Furman/Flickr - Not The Actual Photo
But we are not just talking about Christmas gifts bought in advance that saves money. Nadine said that she also tries to use the extra money to satisfy some of her wishes. She does this, for example, by taking advantage of clipping coupons, or by redeeming loyalty points for cash. These are some of the ways that Nadine uses to make it to the end of the year with an extra € 9,000 in her pocket: "Even though I don't have children, I have a very large family. I have 10 grandchildren and many friends who I love to give gifts to throughout the year. Being organized and having discipline means that I can afford it and, at the same time, I am still able to meet my monthly bills, from which there is no escape!"
For sure, we would all like to be savers as good as Nadine Barret is!