This girl has not waxed or shaved her armpit hair for more than 10 years

If we think about it, there are many beauty and grooming standards set for men and women that we follow religiously, out of habit or just because we were brought up to do so. Very often we don't even stop to think about our habitual behaviors. And just because men have to follow certain grooming standards, what about women? Let's look at the example of the very common practice of removing hair that grows on some parts of the body of women which starts in adolescence and puberty. What stops women from not shaving and letting their hair grow in defiance of traditional beauty standards?
Looking at this age-old question, we thought of Riley - a girl who has become very popular on social media thanks to her very popular Instagram channel. Riley is a girl who has for ten years been telling of her courageous decision to push back against the pressure of tradition to shave her armpit hair. Riley wants to teach the world that the beauty standards which males and females follow out of pure habit, can be overcome and that you have the final say as to what is good for you to do with your body. Predictably, Riley initially faced a storm of criticism from friends, acquaintances and her relatives.
As Riley reports in her social media channels, using photos and videos, the idea of not wanting to shave her armpit hair occurred to her ten years earlier, after she met a girl of the same age who did exactly the same thing. Enjoining the resistance enthusiastically, Riley has also decided to join this battle - even if there has been fierce criticism levelled against her for her choice. The girl, like many of her peers, has become accustomed to society always encouraging her to shave the hair on some parts of her body ever since she was an adolescent. But by deciding not to shave, Riley is giving a very clear signal of defiance against the rigid rules around the aesthetic standards of beauty imposed by our society - what makes a woman more or less of a real woman?
According to Riley, the most important thing is to feel good about yourself and your body. Further, it is important to learn to listen to your own heart, your own needs and to observe your own standards of aesthetics and beauty - and not those imposed on everyone by societal norms. While constructive criticism from people who do not understand Riley's stance are welcome, they are ultimately the ones who are influenced by their prejudices!
What do you think of this girl's unconventional choice not to shave her armpits? Let us know in the comments!