Young woman refuses to become babysitter for a family friend because being a waitress pays more

If there is one thing you learn from life as you grow up it is that you shouldn't judge other people's choices - whether or not you feel they are right or wrong. That said, there are cases in which it seems absolutely impossible not to speak up and voice your own opinion - and this is exactly what happened to the relatives of a woman who refused a job offered to her by a family friend. This choice was harshly criticized, and the woman who made it wanted to tell users of her disappointment to this negative reaction on Reddit.
via AITA/Reddit

Bridget Coila/Flickr - Not The Actual Photo
The young woman asked Reddit users for advice, wondering if she had done something wrong in refusing a job that a friend of hers had offered her. She said she preferred to continue to do the job she was currently doing, namely being waitress. The reason for her decision? She simply did not like the job offered by her best friend, and as a waitress, she would have earned a lot more than the alternative job. The job the young woman was offered, and which she refused, was that of a babysitter. She had been a babysitter at the age of 15, so she definitely knew something about a job like this: "I didn't like it at all. I literally I had to wash dishes that I had never dirtied myself. I had to tidy up the living room which was always very messy and I had to help with the general chores around the house. On top of this, I always had to remind the parents of the child I was babysitting to pay me. In short, it was a very embarrassing experience. "
Then, along came the proposal from a friend of her father who wanted her to be the babysitter for his son - but the young woman refused the offer without thinking twice: "A friend of my father wanted me to be their babysitter because he had known me for a long time and he trusts me. But I have a job in a restaurant where I earn significantly more, and I have fixed shifts with my boss. I also get a signficant number of tips and I don't have to remind my bosses to pay me at the end of the week. "

Unfortunately, the young woman's decision to turn down the babysitting job has been harshly criticized by her parents, despite the fact that they know she would be paid much more in her current waitressing job. Most of all, the words of the woman's father hurt and humiliated her the most: "You shouldn't accept jobs just for the money and that's that." Obviously, most Reddit users took the girl's side: why would she ever take a new, low-paying job that she wouldn't like in any case?
What do you think of all this? Would you have accepted the job only to "appease" your family and friends, and even if it paid less than your current employment?