"Every Friday I ditch my kids at kindergarten and take some time off for myself": the confession of a mother

It is not easy to be parents of one or more children, especially if the time it takes to nurture and attend to their needs does not leave room for one to take care of one's own psycho-physical and mental well-being. In a nutshell, all mothers and fathers of the world will agree that being a parent is one of the most satisfying "full-time" jobs that there is. But making a little space for oneself and one's own needs is important too. This is something that Gypsy Markovich knows very well. Gypsy is a mother and her story has provoked a lot of comments on what she has revealed about her mothering approach and the free time she carves out for herself...
Gypsy Markovich, a mother of two, told her story to Love What Matters and it resonated strongly on the web. She confessed to doing things which perhaps many mothers around the world would not want to make public. Reluctance to do this is perhaps understandable, as many could criticise their behaviour and accuse them of being "bad mothers". In a nutshell, Gypsy opened her heart and disclosed her "secret". Although it might not be suitable for every mother Gypsy confessed that every Friday, she leaves her two children at kindergarten while she takes a few hours to spend on herself - and she does this without feeling ashamed about her behavior.
Gypsy said, "Being a mom is a grueling thing. At the end of each day, I am overworked and completely overwhelmed with things to do. Don't get me wrong, I love my children more than anything else. And because I love them, I want to make sure they don't have a mom that is so stressed the entire neighbourhood can hear her screaming. So, I drop them off at kindergarten every Friday morning."
Gypsy, however, is eager to explain that she loves her two children equally, and that wanting time to herself does not mean that her kids are unbearable. And it doesn't mean that she can't or doesn't want to take care of them anymore or listen to their whining. Indeed, she urges every mother who reads her the words, which explain her "unspeakable secret", to do the sam - that is, to take time for themselves and without feeling guilty about doing so.
As Gypsy said, "Moms, let's stop being ashamed for needing a break once in a while. If you're a mother, do whatever it takes to take a few days or hours off just for yourself. Housewives - you are important!"
What do you think of this mom's story? Do you agree with her thinking?