Mother is proud of her tin-roof house: "It's not perfect, but at least it's mine!"

Buying a house is an important, but not easy goal to strive for and, for this reason, when one is successful, it should be celebrated properly. Today, young people are finding it increasingly difficult to buy a house of their own - it seems to remain the prerogative of "mature adults" only. Over time, buying a home is becoming increasingly difficult even for those who have a stable job. It is not surprising, then, that Laura Miraflores, a Mexican woman who is over 50, wanted to share the joy of having managed to buy a home with users on the web. It doesn't matter if the house in question is still unfinished and has a tin roof: "Today I can proudly say that the house is mine," said Laura.
via TikTok / lauramiraflores58

Laura Miraflores has posted videos of her new home on TikTok because she is extremely proud to finally be able to call it her own. After making many sacrifices, the woman managed to buy her own home where she can live happily with her husband and children. Laura doesn't care if the house hasn't been fully finished. Even if there are exposed bricks or if the roof is still sheet metal, what matters to her is having everything she needs in a place she can call her own. Undoubtedly. the time will come to improve the home's interior, but for now Laura is already quite happy with her purchase. With her videos, Laura wants to show that there are no "ugly houses" and that no matter how humble they may seem, they are still our homes and we should be happy with them.

“As you can see, there is no such thing as an ugly house. This is just the beginning. It's all made of laminate, but I don't care because it's mine,” commented Laura in the video. It's true that the house may be far from perfect, but it does not lack the essentials: a bathroom, a kitchen with sitting area and bedrooms for her, her husband and her children. Nothing is missing except the final touches that we hope they will be able to do soon. Furthermore, Lura emphasizes the importance of cleanliness: poverty is certainly not synonymous with dirt! In fact Laura is very fastidious about cleaning, mopping and dusting, even though there are no tiles or a nice parquet on the floor .

We are very happy that Laura has finally reached her dream of owning a home.
So, at what age did you manage to buy your own home? Write it to us in the comments!