Elderly lady desperate to repair her cellphone "because none of my children or grandchildren call my number any more"

Did you know that our elderly relatives suffer from loneliness far more than we could imagine? When we grow up, we become children, grandchildren, then parents, we start new families, until over time we "forget" the love and unconditional care that our parents gave us over the years. As time rolls by, parents become elderly grandparents, who in most cases, live far away from their children and grandchildren, suffering a silent loneliness and inner despair caused by their remoteness and isolation from their relatives...
via Reporte Indigo

This is the moving story of an elderly woman named Aurora Hernandez - a woman who was "immortalized" by the security cameras of a phone shop she went to in a desperate state. When the elderly woman arrived, she went to the technicians to fix a problem with her cell phone. Aurora was in tears because she was convinced that something was wrong with her electronic device. She claimed that she had gone for almost a year without receiving any calls or messages from her children and grandchildren. Perhaps, she speculated, the cell phone was broken or malfunctioning?
When Aurora Hernandez asked the employees of the phone shop for a diagnosis, she started to cry because she would have to pay around 1500 Spanish pesos ($74) for the repair, and at that moment she could not afford it. Then, as the woman was about to leave heart-broken, a second employee of the store approached her and told her he would fix her cell phone for a low price.
After investigating, the phone technician realised that the elderly lady's cell phone actually worked perfectly - he suddenly understood what the problem was... The hard truth that the woman had to face was the fact that the phone was fine, but none of her children or grandchildren had ever called her. This lack of contact caused Aurora Hernandez to suffer horribly from feelings of isolation and loneliness. Realising this, the employee of the phone shop took the liberty of calling the numbers of some of Aurora's relatives and urged them to contact their elderly, lonely relative more often.
And so it turned out, that a few days later when the woman returned to the phone shop to pick up the "broken" cell phone, she was holding her newly born granddaughter in her arms. Aurora was truly radiant and thrilled with the unexpected visit from her granddaughter. And in a gesture of kindess, the shop technician returned the cell phone to Aurora, not asking her for any money for the work performed. This was certainly a great act of kindness towards a woman who suffered badly from loneliness. A generous gesture like this is priceless!
You can see the video captured by the shop's security cameras here.