Young daughter receives a teddy bear from her mother, made from the sweater of her deceased father

Losing a parent is one of the greatest traumas a human being can ever experience, no matter at what age this tragedy may strike. Of course, when it happens when we are in childhood or adolescence, the psychological traumas that can be generated can be so deep that they will never heal in one's life - not even when one grows up and becomes an adult. This is something that little Deborah Cristina, an 11-year-old girl who lost her father in a car accident in 2018, knows very well.
via G1 Globo
A car accident radically changed the life of the only daughter of Michela Cristina de Oliveira Martins, the wife and mother of the subject of this moving story - her daughter, Deborah Cristina. The two women supported each other, and tried to get rid of the everyday objects and things that reminded them of the father and husband who had been killed so tragically. Perhaps this was a mistake, but Michela was convinced that the fewer things belonging to her husband were in her house, the sooner her 11-year-old daughter would cease to suffer from missing him. But luckily, the woman had a change of mind when the man's sister revealed that she had kept one of his sweaters in memory of him - the same sweater whose fabric Michela would later use and give as very special gift to little Deborah Cristina. ...
With the fabric obtained from the old sweater of her deceased husband, Michela created a very cute teddy bear - a physical and tangible reminder of the presence of her father in the house. This was a truly unexpected gift, and the little girl burst into tears of joy - she could never have expected such a unique and irreplaceable gift.
With the teddy bear made from the fabric of her father's sweater, Deborah Cristina now has the opportunity to hold her father tightly to her, as if he had never left. The sweet gift that mom Michela made with so much passion and love is tender and very moving - the perfect way to combine artistic flair and pay homage to the memory of a husband and a father who is no longer around, but who at the same time, will dwell forever in the hearts of his wife and daughter.
And we are sure that the spirit of Deborah Cristina's father lives on within that beautiful teddy bear.