Every Friday they try a different coffee: for 40 years it has been the key to the success of their marriage

The magic formula for having a marriage that is always healthy and happy does not exist and neither does perfection in relationships in general - but surely you can use different strategies to keep the flame alive? Finding the key to the success of your marriage is really just good luck and it seems that Edinei and Solange Reolon, who have been married for 40 years, have really found it. Both love to drink coffee and have decided to exploit this passion to keep the interest they have in each other alive and meet, once a week, one-on-one with each other for a chat. Communication is, in fact, the real keystone in relationships. And what better time to talk than in front of a nice cup of steaming hot coffee?
This couple has a weekly date, which allows them to spend quality time together, strengthening their long-lasting relationship. Every Friday, the couple choose a new café and go to try at a coffee shop. Being an activity they have been doing for some time, they have now become real experts as well as "coffee pundits" that could review every bar in their city - but the main purpose for which they do it, is to get together in a moment dedicated to sharing together as a couple.
"We try to innovate every week, discovering new places and different flavors!" , said Edinei, who has been with Solange for 40 years. Their daughter photographs them from time to time during this wonderful activity and said: "My mother has compiled a list of over 40 cafes in Goiânia (in Brazil). And every week they go to a new place to meet. Sometimes some of their friends even ask to accompany them."
Solange says he is thrilled to have lived 40 years of his 56 years of life with his wife and this feeling is absolutely mutual. Could these two love-birds have really found the key to happiness for their marriage?