At 66 she becomes a mother for the first time, but many are disapproving of her choice

There is no doubt that for a mother the most wonderful day of her life is certainly that of the birth of her child. Giving birth to a new life that is the fruit of one's maternal desire and love with one's partner is not exactly a trivial thing, so the coming into the world of a child is always an extraordinary celebration and a gift that Nature grants every day. However, there are cases and situations in which the birth of a child can become the source of malice and gossip - especially if it concerns the age of the mother. And this is exactly what happened to the subject of this incredible story...
via Daily Mail UK
This is the story of Adriana, a Romanian woman who gave birth to her first daughter, Eliza, at the ripe old age of 66. All this happened way back in 2005, but by the time she was born, little Eliza had already become a real star - a case to be put in the spotlight precisely because her mother had given birth to her at such an advanced age. At that time, Adriana Iliescu had officially been entered into the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest mother ever recorded in the world - a title that she lost in the following few years. But her fleeting fame made her open up a bit about everything she had been through after the birth of her baby girl.
The reason for so much hatred from people towards her was simply that many felt that she was too old and that her choice of motherhood at such an advanced age was an act of pure selfishness: "The mirror is not kind to me, but if we talk about my energy levels, then I feel like a young girl. I feel like I'm 27 and when I feel a little more tired than usual, I feel like I'm 37. I'm healthier now than women half my age," said the woman.
The fact that she gave birth to her first daughter at the age of 66, however, was not entirely Adriana's choice. As the woman said, when she was young she had to undergo various abortions for medical reasons, then at the age of 24, her husband left her. After this, she focused on her career and became a teacher at a university in Romania. Then, after finishing her doctorate at the age of 37, she felt the need to have a child, and turned to doctors who practiced in vitro fertilization.
When she turned 57, Adriana was ready to have a child via in vitro fertilization, but the first attempt made in 2000 went wrong and ended in a miscarriage. In 2005, the woman became pregnant with three twins, two of whom, however, did not make it. But Eliza, the little girl who now her mother calls "a miracle of God", was saved.
Despite the challenges and obstacles that the elderly woman has had to face and overcome from 2005 to today, she does not regret the journey she has taken to give birth to her baby girl. Today, despite the huge difference in ages between the two, the mother and a daughter are bonded by a love so strong that no one will ever be able to dissolve it - not even negative gossip, rumors and prejudices!