"I didn't think I would find a man who loved my son like his own"

by Mark Bennett

March 05, 2022

"I didn't think I would find a man who loved my son like his own"

When you are young you run the risk of getting stuck in some situations, without evaluating the fact that, one day, the situation that initially appears so negative can turn into the best thing in the world. Madelyn Houser Webb got pregnant while she was still studying at university. Like many young moms, she thought it would be hard to raise a child alone, but she soon realized she could rely on her family. Even when she moved with her baby, Jade, to another city where she had found work, things weren't as catastrophic as she thought. Indeed, here, thanks to her new job, she met the man of her dreams. And this man accepted 100% her status as a single mom and who treated her son as if he were his own.

via Love What Matters

When you are a single mom you have to face many more challenges since you cannot count on the help of a partner, but this does not mean that you cannot do it and, above all, it does not mean that you cannot find the love again. Madelyn managed to get by very well, first with the help of her parents and then by herself. Of course, she then she met Alex and things got even easier. After moving a little further away from her parents' home, the young single mom found a job as a used car salesperson. This job gave her independence and allowed her to raise her child, Jaden, properly. Of course, the shifts weren't always the best and she often had to take Jaden with her to work. One afternoon, Madelyn had to stay longer than expected with a client in the office and was worried that Jaden would not behave at her desk while waiting for her. At that moment, her colleague, Alex, walked into the room with a ball and invited Jaden to play outside with him. The two played for 45 minutes while Madelyn finished serving the customer. This was gesture not everyone would make, which also made the young woman reflect on how much Jaden needed a male influence in his life.


Madelyn and Alex became friends and, little by little, their relationship evolved to the point that they got engaged. Initially, Madelyn was worried because she didn't know if Jaden would accept this relationship and this new figure in her life, but then she realized that things were working out when all three went to a basketball game.

Alex then made the fateful marriage proposal to Madelyn and did so with the collaboration of Jaden, who also actively participated in the ceremony. Madelyn said "yes" without hesitation and for a variety of reasons. She said: "For me it was a dream come true. I always wanted someone who loved my son as his own, and here is a man who wanted my son to be at his home, and at his side on the most important day of our lives".

Now, Madelyn, Jaden and Alex are a beautiful family, which soon after were joined by a newcomer, Callum, the couple's first child together. "I hope my story brings hope to any single parent who feels they can't find love anymore. I also want them to know it's okay to seek help and advice when it comes to uncharted territory," Madelyn said addressing all parents and single people out there.
