Mother of three is fed up hearing about the perfect homes of other mothers: "Mine is a disaster, and it's normal!"

Being a parent is always a great challenge and is to be accepted with passion and pride - but we must not fall into the trap of thinking we can attain "perfection". No human being is perfect, and a busy mom with three children shouldn't expect too much from herself. The TikTok user "tired_mommax3" knows this very well, and she wanted to share her life experience as a mother of 3 children and being pregnant with a fourth, on the famous social media network. Her home is far from perfect - it is not perfectly clean or untouched by minor damage, as many other "influencer" mothers would like us to believe their lives and homes are. This mom decided to show her harsh domestic reality honestly to the users: dirty laundry piled up, toys scattered around the house, plates and dishes still to be washed...

This mother wanted to show on TikTok the sad state that her house can be in at certain times. Being a full-time mother of 3, and also pregnant with a fourth child, she obviously struggles to handle all the housework around the routine of her children. The result is that sometimes at home she has a lot of dirty clothes on the floor, plates and crockery stacked up ready to be put in the dishwasher, and many other objects (like toys) scattered around the house. Her children, on the other hand, are not at all helpful and she alone cannot manage everything.
"I just want to show everyone what my house looks like because there are a lot of videos out there of all these beautiful houses - clean and pristine," commented the woman on one of her videos, "Well, this is my house. So if your house is like this too, then we should be friends!".

TikTok users were split on this issue, despite the video's purpose being to justify the chaos in the mother's home. Many have supported the woman with comments such as: "I see a mother who puts her children first and not the house". These users obviously know what it means to take care of children and can empathize with the lifestyle of this mother. Other users, on the other hand, have shown themselves as less supportive and more critical of the mother: "There is absolutely no chance we can be friends, I wouldn't even drink a glass of water in your dirty house", or, "I have 4 children, I'm a single mom and my home never falls into such a shabby state"; finally, another user stated: "This is just laziness".
What do you think?