Elderly man takes care of his dying father-in-law day and night: he washes him, dresses him and feeds him

by Mark Bennett

February 12, 2022

Elderly man takes care of his dying father-in-law day and night: he washes him, dresses him and feeds him

There are feelings in life that will never cease to be, like an eternal flame that never goes out; one of these feelings is love, but not necessarily as understood as that feeling that is created when you feel connected with a person so much that you want to live with her and maybe marry her, here we are talking about pure, total love, which is born and grows among relatives, friends, acquaintances - for whom we would do anything to help them, or make them smile again.

via Joviana Venturini/Instagram

Joviana Venturini/Instagram

Joviana Venturini/Instagram

And the story we want to tell you about today speaks of pure and selfless love. The subject of this beautiful story is Antonio - an extraordinary man and brother-in-law - who never thought twice before showing all his affection and unconditional care for the sick father of the woman who narrated this extraordinary story about this special relationship on her Instagram profile. Describing the relationship, the woman said: "If someone asks me to show them an image that shows what love really is, I'll show them these photos. If someone asks me for a name that represents love, I'll say 'Antonio'. Dad was very thin and fragile in recent times, but he found in the embrace of my brother-in-law, Antonio, the strength and affection he needed to live out the last days of his life. "

Joviana Venturini/Instagram

Joviana Venturini/Instagram

Using these words to describe the relationship on Instagram was Joviana Venturini, a Brazilian woman who with a powerful caption and photos can testify that the relationship between her brother-in-law Antonio and his fragile father showed everyone what it means to love a person - right up to on his last day of life: "Antonio is not young, he is 75 years old, but he was tireless with my father's care. He washed him, changed his diapers, dressed him and fed him, offered him tea, watched Youtube repeatedly with him (the same video every day), prayed with my father, spent the day by his side talking to him and always keeping him company. He was by his side until a few minutes before his end ... "

Joviana Venturini/Instagram

Joviana Venturini/Instagram

Beautiful words that tell better than many others when love is not necessarily an emotion linked to the sentimental sphere, but which can also occur between people who have a simple family relationship that is not entirely close, or between great friends, or simply even between acquaintances.

And attesting to this wonderful feeling, Antonio is the living proof!
