This pregnant woman's belly is so big and weirdly shaped, it doesn't even seem real

Pregnancy is a condition that changes a woman not only mentality, but also physically: carrying one or more babies for 9 months, in fact, can drastically transform the appearance of the body. Michella Meier-Morsi, a young Danish mother who gave birth to triplets named Charles, Theodore and Gabriel, is well aware of this. This story is not just ome about any old pregnancy, but Michella's pregnant tummy has truly left thousands of users speechless. The woman was in the spotlight because, before giving birth, she had an absurdly large belly. The most curious aspect, perhaps, was that the belly gradually developed directly outwards and not like that of a normal pregnancy. To understand what we are talking about, we advise you to take a look at the photos below and, if you want to be truly stunned, take a look at Michella's Instagram profile.
via Instagram / filippaophelia
Michella and her husband already had two 3-year-old girls before expanding their family unit to become 7 in number (with the triplets). This pregnancy, however, was certainly different, at least in terms of aesthetics and, obviously, of the number of infants born. Giving birth to three babies is not a joke and can be very challenging - so much so that the young mom described the 36 hours of labor she had as "the wildest hours" of her life. After an intense labor, the three children arrived safely into the world, and Michella herself said that "it was worth it"...
Michella is famouns on social media, and on Instagram she has more than 250 thousand followers who, every day, follow her on her profile page. Here the woman has shared many photos of herself from her second pregnancy. Her users are extremely supportive and everyone has expressed their amazement at seeing the size and shape of her tummy whilst pregnant with the triplets.
"Oh my God, what a woman!" wrote one user, while another commented: "I'm speechless! You, my dear, are a super heroine!". In fact, we cannot imagine the physical, as well as mental, effort to carry a tummy that size and shape for 9 months. As a third user also points out: "It's incredible. Women are incredible. But who knows kind of backache she suffers from!".
What do you think? Have you ever seen a pregnant woman with such a big belly?