Couple get married but immediately fight over the choice of a song : a lightning divorce happens

Your taste is your taste and should not be criticised or judged, but during the reception of a wedding it seems that the choice of a particular song to play has caused so much tension that the newlyweds left each other! We are in Baghdad and this curious story is all over even before it really started. As soon as they got married, in fact, the couple decided to divorce. The reason? The choice of a song with dubious lyrics sparked the anger of the two families involved and, although it was only a song, it created an unbridgeable rift. Some will say it is all nonsense and some others will think that "they had no other choice". What is certain is that they won't be listening to that song again anytime soon.
via Mirror

The situation got out of control when the bride requested a Syrian song entitled "Mesaytara" by Lamis Kan - a song that can be translated with the title "I will control you". You can easily guess that the content of the song caused so much uproar. To be clear, though, here is a bit more of the song's lyrics translated: "I will control you; you will be governed under my strict instructions, I will drive you crazy if you look at other girls on the street. Yes, I will control you, you are my piece of sugar. As long as you are with me, you will walk under my command. "
Listening to these words, the groom's family raised the alarm, absolutely unable to tolerate such proposed behavior on the part of the bride. It was useless to reiterate that "it was just a song", because now the damage had been done. Indeed, the lyrics of the song would probably have made anyone run away, but the groom's family seems to have taken it all a bit too seriously.

It's a real shame that the families of the spouses have to intrude so negatively in their, and it is equally a shame that some people let themselves and their relationships be ruined by... the lyrics of a song!
What do you think of this bizarre story? Would you have also left the bride if she had played such a song? Write to us in the comments!