Wife talks in her sleep about a crime she has committed and her husband reports her to the police

How many of you have ever talked in your sleep? This is a fairly common sleep disorder, which involves talking while you are asleep and without being aware of it at all. Beyond the medical aspect and the various remedies, talking about all sorts of things in your sleep without realizing it can have unpleasant consequences - especially for those people who are hiding something. Ruth Fort, a 47-year-old British woman, who unknowingly admitted to a crime while she slept, knows this very well. Her husband, already suspicious due to other clues, eventually came to discover the terrible truth and could not remain indifferent in the face of it.
via Lancs
Antony Fort, 61, overheard his wife talking in her sleep about a large sum of money. The man had been suspicious of his wife for some time, because he did not understand where the money she was spending was coming from. During a family vacation in Mexico, Antony realized with amazement how much his wife was spending. But now, after the discovery, everything has become obvious: Ruth, who was a health worker by trade, had stolen the debit card of an elderly disabled woman whom she took care of in the nursing home. In total, she had stolen £ 7,200 ($ 9,700) from her patient! A truly reprehensible act, especially because it was inflicted on a fragile, elderly and innocent person.
To be really sure, Antony checked his wife's handbag and actually found the debit card that didn't belong to Ruth. Evidently, his wife had managed to get hold of the PIN and had no qualms about robbing the elderly woman she was taking care of. Heartbroken, the husband could not help but go to the police and report his wife.
"It was heartbreaking" - Antony admitted - "I love her, but I knew I had no other choice". Ruth was arrested and then sentenced to a suspended prison sentence of 16 months; she managed to stay out of prison, but was forced to attend drug rehabilitation courses.
Was such a small crime worthy of being reported in this way? Antony loves his wife but he felt he had done the right thing: "For me it was unacceptable that she could steal from a vulnerable person: I had to report her." Furthermore, the judge praised him both because he came forward to report his wife's crime and because he has offered to help and support his wife in her rehabilitation process.