"I'm 22 but I look 8": even when wearing makeup, she still looks like a child to the public

We would all like to have a physical appearance that hides our true age, but the Mother Nature does not always grant us this extraordinary gift. In fact, there are people who appear much younger than they really are - as recorded at the registry office. Then there are others who appear much older than they really are and the fact that this happens is obviously not their fault at all. Then there are those with extremely rare cases of physiological conditions that impact the healthy and regular growth of the sufferer such that, even after reaching the age of majority, they always remains short and small, remaining like eternal children...
via tlctv/TikTok

This is the incredible and curious case of Shauna Rae, a British girl who is 22 years old but who looks approximately 8 years old. This is because the girl was born with some pathologies, physiological and cerebral conditions for which the development of her body did not keep up with what would be the typical appearance for her age. She remained short throughout her adolescence and adulthood, and for many people who do not know her at all, she looks like a child of less than 10 years old. Now that Shauna has turned 22, she wants to wear makeup like all her peers, but her particular physical appearance does not allow her to do this simple thing without attracting critical eyes or harsh words full of angry judgement towards her mother.
In fact, as Shauna Rae's mother tells us that many people who do not know the story of her daughter and her physiological condition, take it out on her when they see her accompanied by a little girl all dressed up and made up in what would normally be inappropriate way for a 10 year old child: "How dare you let your daughter use makeup like this at her young age? You should be ashamed of yourself!" These are just some of the prejudiced utterances that Shauna and her mum often hear when they are out home...

Obviously this is a situation that makes the 22-year-old woman feel particularly bad. Clearly she knows that her mother has absolutely nothing to do with her decision to wear makeup like her peers despite her "misleading" physiological condition: "My mother has to explain to everyone that I am old enough to make my own decisions and they never believe her - they call her a liar, and this is not funny at all. I always feel very bad for my mother because I don't have to face the backlash myself. "
What do you think about this story? Would it be better for people just to mind their own business; or are they right to "scold" Shauna's mother?