"My mother-in-law didn't even bother to invite my mother!": The outburst of a bride who's mother was excluded from her own wedding

There is nothing simple when it comes to planning a wedding, yet the idea of actively participating in the preparations is thrilling for a couple who are about to fulfil their dreams of love - a dream that can be undermined by the presence of an intrusive, meddling mother-in-law. Fortunately, not all mothers-in-laws manage to take over their children's lives and ruin their relationships, but unfortunately the subject of this story was not so lucky. The woman said she got married in a religious ceremony, but without having the opportunity to celebrate with friends and relatives due to Covid-19. The idea was therefore to organize a reception where the happy event could be celebrated properly later. The woman, however, was excluded from making any choices about the event, and the mother-in-law made sure that the bride's mother would not be invited to the party.

Wanting the presence of one's mother and father at one's wedding is quite common; not to invite them would be strange or, in any event, it would be an exceptionally rare thing. The bride in this story obviously wanted her mother to be there on the day she finally celebrated her wedding, but her mother-in-law made sure that her mother couldn't attend. The mother of the bride, in fact, lives in another country and, due to the restrictions imposed for Covid-19, she is unable to arrange to travel quickly. The mother-in-law made sure to pull forward the date of the wedding of her son, thus preventing the mother of the bride from even trying to show up that day.
According to the bride, the main reason for this petty act on the part of the mother-in-law lies in the fact that her mother was not able to pay for half of the wedding costs, due to economic difficulties:
"My mother is not included. Since she is stuck in my home country due to travel restrictions, she would not be able to make it next month and my mother-in-law is adamant that she does not want to wait. She said she will take her out for dinner when she is able to come," the bride told the web.

Maxpixel / Not the actual photo
In addition to this being a rather petty gesture, the absurdity of this whole affair also lies in the fact that the bride has been excluded from making any decisions regarding the planning of her own wedding. She herself said: "They did not include me in any wedding plan decisions as it is up to only my mother-in-law, my fiancé and his brother to discuss and decide these issues, apparently."
Needless to say, many users in their comments wanted to stress how it is absolutely normal to want your mother to be present at your wedding. The family this bride-to-be is about to join looks like it's one of those "toxic" families who want to be in control of everything. What do you think?