Parents kick son out at 18 years old, and then they demand he come back: when he refuses, they are enraged

Wanting to go and live on your own or with someone, and leaving the house of your parents, is completely normal and is also encouraged by the parents themselves, at some point in life. There is no fixed age to leave home and whoever does it, usually does it either because they have to go to study in another city, or because they get a well-paid job. This is a normal evolution of growing up and wanting to prove to everyone that they are economically independent and can pay their own rent for their own place. It is a "rite of passage" which officially marks the beginning of one's life as an adult, in a certain sense. Staying to live with one's parents, however, is fine and is not at all to be condemned - especially since there can be a thousand good reasons to stay with one's mom and dad. The story we are about to tell you, however, does not seem to fit into one of these categories, and for this reason, it has caused a lot of chatter about it amongst users on the web.
via Reddit

Flickr / Not the actual photo / Fil.Al
An 18-year-old boy described his very particular family situation on Reddit, asking users for advice and wondering if it was actually he who had behaved badly or if it was his parents. But let's be clear - the young man said he was born from an unwanted pregnancy, but which, for religious reasons, was nevertheless not terminated. His parents, both of Indian origin and part of the local community, have always been very clear that, once he reaches the age of majority, he will have to move elsewhere. With these conditions known, the young man has always tried to save some money, since the age of 13, and today he can be said to be quite happy with what he has managed to save. As expected, on the eve of his eighteenth birthday, his parents asked him if he had found a place to go to live on his own.
The young man believed he was going to live with four other boys, but when an Indian family offered to let him go and live in their newly renovated garage - at a very affordable price (only $ 150!) - he didn't think twice. The day after his birthday, then, the young man moved out, fulfilling the wishes of his parents.

The parents, however, have apparently rethought their decision after their son agreed to be hosted by a family of Indian origin. The reason? In this way, and for this culture, it would look like that they had thrown him out of the house and that he has found refuge with another family. It would be one thing if he went to live with roommates, but how could his parents deal with their son "joining" another famil? This was the first thought of the young man's mother and father. The young man replied that, in fact, this is exactly how his parents felt and that unfortunately for them, he has now found nice accommodation that he does not want to give up. Furthermore, he specified that the host family did not even want to take the rent, but that he insisted on paying it. His parents were furious when their son refused to return to live with them, following an explicit order from them to do so, and now he wonders if he was right to continue to hold with his choices.
Most users agreed with, and supported him, but what do you think?