"I don't like it, change it!": Mother-in-law doesn't like her granddaughter's middle name and demands that her daughter-in-law change it

When you decide to get married, it is very easy to fall into the trap of misunderstandings and quarrels with other family members. To date, it seems to have even become a rule that daughters-in-law will quarrel with their mothers-in-law all the time, and certainly the absurd story we are about to tell you is no exception. A woman about to become a mother told of her unpleasant experience with her husband's mother - who put pressure on choosing a new name for her grandson who would soon be born and all because she didn't like the mother or the name...

Jamie Beverly/Flickr - Not The Actual Photo
Here's what the mom-to-be said, venting her frustration to Reddit users: "I'm pregnant with my first child with my husband. We haven't decided on a name for our baby yet, but I've made the choice (which my husband wholeheartedly supports) to give him the middle name of a deceased friend of mine whom I loved very much. My mother-in-law came to visit us over the weekend and not only ruined everything, but paid no attention to me during her whole visit. She monopolised her son's time, discussing how he will become a dad and she will become a grandmother, but completely ignoring the woman who is literally carrying her grandson in her womb.
Most of the interaction she has had with me thus far has been barking at me. On Sunday evening during dinner, however, she (after insulting my food) turned to my husband and said "Dear, what name are you going to give to the baby?" I interjected and replied in a tone like this: "Well ma'am, we haven't decided on a name yet, but his middle name will be XYZ (real name witheld) in honor of one of my best friends who passed away a few years ago. If you have any suggestions for a first name, we would be more than happy to hear it. "

Max Pixel/Not The Actual Photo
The woman's story continues with these words: "She turned to me and gave me the meanest look I have ever received in my life. She proceded with a long and stupid rant: 'First of all because I have not been informed that you have already made a choice about my nephew's name. Did you also consult my son (i.e. my husband) when you decided to give the baby that middle name ?! Look, I'm sure your friend was a good person, but I don't approve of the name at all! The person may have been nice but the name isn't nice at all! Instead of honoring him by giving his name to my grandson, why don't you honor him by educating your baby to grow up to be good, pious and respectful? Oh wait, you can't I suppose - you are good for nothing and useless. You are the opposite of what a mother should be. I am ashamed that you are carrying my nephew! " At this point I left and cried my eyes out in my room. From what I could hear from there, my husband yelled at his mother for what she had said and threw her out. As of now, I have blocked all contact with her and my husband withdrew from attending Christmas dinner with his mother's side of the family. The whole ordeal also reminded me of the trauma of losing the friend I spoke of. I really hope my son inherits nothing from that terrible woman. Thank you for reading this rant."
Obviously, all the Reddit users have shown support for the expectant mother, and what do you make of this drama? Which side are you on in this bizarre family story?