Driving examiner fails teenage girl without even getting into the car: "This car is too dirty"

When you reach the age of majority, one of the things you want to get sorted immediately, in addition to getting a degree or starting your first job to earn your daily bread, is to enroll in a driving school to get a driving license; thanks to this "magical" document, a person who has just turned 18 can get into a private car and drive around in complete freedom, but of course, always scrupulously following the rules of the road (which change from country to country). To obtain a driving license, you first need to pass a theoretical exam and only then can you go on to do a practical exam, the most difficult and complex part of the whole certification process.
via The Sun UK

Max Pixel/Not The Actual Photo
But imagine that there are people who do not even have time to get inside the car to do the practical exam when the examiner immediately stops them and fails them right away. And this happened in this bizarre story that took place in Lancashire, Great Britain. Telling of the unusual event is Paul Turner, father of a 17-year-old teenage girl who was denied her driving license at the time of the practical exam - after months and months of study and intense training. The girl had told her father that she did not even have time to get inside the car provided by the driving school before the examiner immediately sent her home, failing her outright, and she found the reason to be absolutely incredible.
It seems that the reason behind the lightning failure was the alleged "dirtiness" of the car; on the floor of the car, in fact, were some rubber eraser pieces, ones that the previous driving teacher had surely used to erase something with his pencil; the previous driver had surely forgotten to clean the passenger mat and so the rubber pieces remained there, in plain sight. But this was not a detail that was lost on the examiner when Paul Turner's daughter was about to get into the car.

Andrea Stavast/Flickr - Not The Actual Photo
Paul Turner said: "The rubber pieces weren't in the driver's seat or anywhere where the examiner could have sat at the time. It's not like there were packets of potato chips left there or empty cans everywhere, it's ridiculous. All this fuss! My daughter has been saving for a long time, she has been saving for herself, for her first car, and all of this is very unfair. She needs her license to be able to accept jobs which are far away from home... "
Although the other driving instructors intervened to defend the 17-year-old girl, there was nothing to be done - her examiner was uncompromising about the cleanliness (or lack of it) of the car, and so Paul Turner's daughter is been had to rebook an exam and must now wait for her next attempt.
In your opinion, is what happened to this young teenage girl right or not?