18-year-old babysits her little cousins every day: when she asks her aunt for a salary, an uproar breaks out

Family relationships are never simple and nobody likes the idea of ruining them, even when you are convinced that you are in the right. However, sometimes things can reach a point where enough is enough. An 18-year-old young woman explained on Reddit how her uncles take advantage of her availability and leave their children with her all day. Looking after two 1-year-old twins and another 8-year-old baby is not at all easy and doing it for free, 5 days a week, from 8 in the morning to 8 in the evening, is even less so. The girl's uncles work a lot, but when they were asked to pay at least £ 80 a week, they were furious: "We are a family - you don't do these types of thing for money!". The girl asked Reddit users for their advice, and the users were absolutely supportive of the young woman and told her that she was right to ask for a minimum wage.
via Reddit

The young woman's mother is absolutely on her side, but she has argued with her sister about this situation and now they don't talk to each other anymore. The young babysitter is sorry for having created these tensions within her family, for making such a request, and she now wonders if she should have just kept quiet. Reddit users reassured and supported her and even advised her to spend her days in a more productive way : "You're young - you should be thinking about your future."
It sure isn't nice to argue with your family, but there are some issues that just cannot be ignored. What do you think about this story?