Mother gets furious at her mother-in-law after she refuses to hand back her baby for his feeding

The relationship that exists between a daughter-in-law and a mother-in-law is never easy to understand: at times it can be a positive and peaceful relationship; at other times it can turn into a hell made up by misunderstandings, conflicting opinions and ideas, clashing personalities and outright hostility. And this is one thing that the new mom, the subject of this story, wanted to share. This new mom recounted the horrible experience she had with her husband's mother on Reddit. The woman revealed to users that she had a serious fight with her mother-in-law because she did not want to give her back her son for his feeding.
via AITA/Reddit

Jamie Beverly/Flickr - Not The Actual Photo
Here's what this new mom, at loggerheads with her mother-in-law, said: "Hi, I'm a new mom, I had my baby 5 weeks ago. My husband's parents were with us and things were super overwhelming. My mother-in-law has a habit of picking up the baby and refusing to give him back to me. She says I am deliberately ruining her time with him. My baby needs to feed every 2 hours and basically makes me beg her to give him back to me so I can breast feed him.
Last night at about 10pm, my mother-in-law had my son in her arms as she sat on the sofa with my husband and his father. I was exhausted, and then the baby started crying. I asked my mother-in-law to give my son to me so I can feed him. She refused and I continued to insist. My husband then started saying how I am using breastfeeding as an excuse to keep the baby away from his mother. I ignored him and told his mother to give the baby to me. She refused and said I had to wait a little longer. "

Patti Gilliam/Flickr - Not The Actual Photo
The negative (and bizarre) experience with the mother-in-law continued like this, said the young mother: "I got really angry at this point. My husband said I could take the baby, but only if I asked his mother kindly. This made me furious - I told my mother-in-law to stop being a nasty witch, stop bullying me and to hand my son over to me immediately. She stared at me shocked and hurt. She handed over the baby and then ran into the guest room. My husband gave me a dirty look, and then followed his mother and went to comfort her.
He walked into the room while I was feeding my son and started shouting about how disrespectful I was to talk to his mother like that and treat her so badly when all she was doing was showing our son even more love than I did . I started crying and shouted that I will leave and go to my mom's house if his parents stayed any longer. He responded by saying "shut up, you're just acting because you don't want my parents around!" Then he left. I felt terrible thinking that maybe I was being rude to his mother, but I also know I had reached the end of my rope. What do you guys think about this story?"
In such a situation, who would you side with: the new mother, or with the husband who defended his mother?