Gay couple adopts triplets: they have fulfilled their dream of becoming parents

In the society we live in today, many things have changed from the past in terms of our daily habits, in the way of thinking, in the belief that diversity and minorities are to be valued and are not a threat to us or are groups to be looked at with suspicion. For example, nowadays the news that a couple of men or two women, or even a single father or a single mother, can adopt a child. These days, events like this certainly no longer cause an outcry or create a sensation.
via El Diario
But, despite the progressive evolution of common thought, many people still do not look favorably on the fact that two men or two women can adopt a child. Some go as far as to oppose couples like this even expressing the fact that they want to satisfy their maternal or paternal instincts. For this reason, stories like the ones we are going to tell you about today are very important and significant. The two subjects of this story are named Miguel and Ismael - the former is a linguist and the latter is a teacher. The couple live in Spain and thanks to the laws of this European country, in 2005 they finally had the opportunity to be able to adopt a child.
The two had always had the desire to become parents to two or three children, but despite everything, they only started adoption procedures in October 2020. Miguel and Ismael were aware that it was a very bureaucratic process that could last anything up to 3 years, but they were very lucky... In just 15 months from their application, they received a surprise that crowned the dream of their lives: three newly-born triplets were going to join their family!

Bernard Polet/Flickr - Not The Actual Photo
The official news of the adoption arrived precisely on December 28, 2021. Here's how it went in Miguel's words: "We were told that newborn triplets were waiting for us to be adopted. My husband burst into laughter, but I was slower to react. After only a few moments of reflection, however, we both said yes! You won't believe it but the girls (the triplets are all girls) are very, very good, and well-behaved. They sleep and let us sleep for stretches of two hours uninterrupted (a small miracle). We are very happy, and there have been no difficult moments so far. They were a little restless the first night but this has now passed."
Just a few weeks after accepting the adoption proposal, the triplets arrived at the couple's house. Friends and relatives all chipped in to provide Miguel and Ismael with everything they would need (bottles, cots, blankets, diapers, and so on). At the end of the day, this couple realised their dream of becoming parents - and not of just one, or two, but three beautiful girls!