Mother leaves her son unattended in her car; the father teaches his irresponsible wife a hard lesson

by Mark Bennett

March 24, 2022

Mother leaves her son unattended in her car; the father teaches his irresponsible wife a hard lesson

No one should judge the choices of a parent, especially with regard to the raising and education of their children, but we believe there are objective situations that go far beyond a simple subjective opinion of education and a vision of life. Today, for example, we want to tell you, in the words of the subject of this story, the experience of a father who gave his wife a hard lesson when he came to discover that she often, and voluntarily, left her little son in their car alone - and without the car even being locked.

via AITA/Reddit

Pixabay/Not The Actual Photo

Pixabay/Not The Actual Photo

Hear what the father of the little boy said, when he vented on Reddit: “My wife has a horrible habit that I discovered two months ago. We were ordering lunch on our cell phone so that we didn't have to go in and collect the food and take the baby out of the car only to have to put him back in and place him in the car seat a few minutes later. She told me it's not a big deal to leave the baby alone in the car for a short time, but I had no idea she ever actually did this. I told her I wasn't comfortable with idea of her leaving him in the car alone for even one minute, and she told me she's been doing it since he was born and it's always been fine. She told me that she does it when she goes to the grocery store, post office or pharmacy, etc. I was horrified - I told her never to do it again.

She told me that she had never stopped to think about the potential dangers and that she would stop doing it. Well yesterday, on my way back home from my brother's house, I saw the car at the gas station near our house. I thought my wife had stopped to get some snacks, but I decided to stop anyway and pop in to say hello and get some food - so and I stopped and parked next to her car. However, when I got there, I saw our son in his car seat - alone. To make matters worse, the car wasn't even locked.

I don't know what got into me, but at that moment I decided to take my son out of my wife's car and put him in my car. Then I went to the other side of the gas station parking lot and waited for my wife to come out. It took SIX MINUTES for her to come back from the shop. When she saw that our son was missing, she started crying, and pulled out her cell phone to call 911. I drove back to where she was, parked, got out and went to my back door and opened it to show her that our son was safe and was with me.

Pixnio/Not The Actual Photo

Pixnio/Not The Actual Photo

My wife was extremely relieved, but then she got angry and she asked me why I taken our son. I told her she had to learn her lesson and that she was being extremely irresponsible - it had been so easy for me to stop and take our son from the unmonitored car. No one else at the gas station had even noticed what I did! So, if our son had really been taken by a stranger, there would be no help from anyone and it would 100% be her fault. Throughout this whole thing, and the next day my wife wanted an apology. I absolutely refused to and stated that it was she who should apologize. But was I being too hard on her? What do you think? "

What would you answer this father who was worried about the behavior of his wife with his son? Was he right to teach her a lesson or did he go a bit too far?
