Exploited employee decides to quit and start a new company in the same building as her ex-boss

by Mark Bennett

March 23, 2022

Exploited employee decides to quit and start a new company in the same building as her ex-boss

When an employee has worked for years and years within the same company providing optimal output, sooner or later one would expect to receive some advantage - from a salary increase to other economic bonuses, up to concessions and other benefits (like time off). These rewards can make the worker feel valued and important, as well as these being a signal that the boss is satisfied with their performance in the office. Unfortunately, however, there are also bosses and job managers who do nothing but exploit their employees to the point of abuse, putting in place practices that do not value the hard work that the person subjected to such harassment and exploitation does...

via ProRevenge/Reddit

Marco Verch/Flickr - Not The Actual Photo

Marco Verch/Flickr - Not The Actual Photo

For this reason we want to tell you the story of a husband who used a Reddit group to explain to users the absurd job position in which his wife found herself. Notwithstanding this, in the end, however, they took proper revenge for the constant harassment and injustices the woman had suffered. This is what her husband said: "My wife was the second person hired in a consultancy firm in a very specialized sector of the market. In her 15 years with the company, she has grown to be a reputable employee within their three offices. She, and the owner, have grown the business thanks to my wife's contacts, skills and introductions. Over the years, her areas of ​​responsibility have grown so much that the owner has been essentially absent 75% of the time and is mostly unaware of the daily activities - so much so that he had promised her that, sooner or later, he would give her the business to run.

Over the years she has tried to get a deal to buy the company, but the boss has always made promises he has never kept. I told her "He doesn't respect you or your contribution. He will never sell the business to you because there is no reason to do so. He can make more money by stringing you along, because essentially you are the company making money for him - why would he sell it to you?"

One day out of the blue, my wife received a raise and a bonus (which, in fact, was a very small amount of money) and a contract that included a non-compete and a nondisclosure agreement (NDA). After reading it, she realized that the owner was trying to stop her from leaving for another competing company and, to make things even more suspicious, she got a call from a competitor who said they wanted to meet her. The boss was basically selling the company and he didn't think to tell her or ask her if she was still interested in buying it. She ignored the contracts, refused to sign them and, given this, she was totally free to do what she wanted. It was clear, however, the company would never belong to her."

Pixabay/Not The Actual Photo

Pixabay/Not The Actual Photo

"My wife is extremely loyal - she has sacrificed so many special days working for this person. She even gave up some of her salary when they were going through tough financial times. She was furious at the development, so we discussed her starting her own company and asked ourselves "how many businesses are obliged to stay with the company if you leave?" It turned out that most of the deals were informal handshakes or nothing more - no formal, signed contracts. She further said that leaving and starting her own company would bring about 75% profit with her, which even her boss was not aware of.

In no time, my wife took a three week vacation and, during this time, she rented an office in the same building and made all the preparations necessary to start her new company. She agreed to leave all company's property behind her and to do her best not to give her old company any obvious evidence or cause to start litigation against her. She called her clients and told them that they could close their old accounts and open a new one with her if they wanted to. While on vacation, she got a panicked call from her boss to which she replied, "I'm sorry, but I just emailed you, I quit. All my keys and business stuff is on my desk. Good bye! "

The new company took almist 90% of the business and moved seamlessly into the same building as before, but with a new owner. Most of the office staff have also moved there too. Within a year, her old company closed, except for a small office that her old boss ran (who now gives her filthy looks when he sees her)."

And what do you think about this story? Was the woman right to quit in this way and to carry out this "poetic" revenge?
