Dad waits every evening for his daughter to come home from work: he escorts her because the street are dark

by Mark Bennett

March 22, 2022

Dad waits every evening for his daughter to come home from work: he escorts her because the street are dark

Above all else, parents want to protect their children from all the evils in the world. Obviously, you can't keep a child under a glass dome, but a father and a mother will always know what to do in specific, potentially risky conditions, in order to protect their offspring. Félix Cárdenas, for example, is a 72-year-old father who lives in Ñemby, Paraguay, and who waits for his daughter, Belén Cárdenas, at the bus stop every evening when she comes home from work. He does this to give her some sense of security, since the road she has to walk is very dark and he, as her father, is always worried that something might happen to her.

via Twitter / Belén Cárdenas

The young Belén has posted to Twitter a photo of her father who is shown waiting for her at the bus stop, ready to escort her home in the evening, at the end of her work shift. Don Félix Cárdenas knows that he cannot be around all day long for his daughter and he also knows very well that he must let her live her life, avoiding becoming an overprotective father. But despite this knowledge, he cannot help but wait for his daughter late in the evening at her bus stop when she returns home from work. The preoccupations and worries of a parent are common and natural to all moms and dads in the world, and they are very understandable and, unfortunately, are sometimes justified.

"I arrive at my home by bus between 8:30pm and 9:00pm in the evening and my dad is always there waiting for me at the bus stop," the grateful daughter wrote on Twitter. "I love you dad", is the dedication that you will read captioned under the photo of her father.

Pixabay / Not the actual photo

Pixabay / Not the actual photo

"At first, he used to wait for me outside of my workplace, but then he got used to the idea that it was no longer like coming to pick me up at school and that he had to learn to let me go, to let me walk from work to my bus by myself. But he is always waiting for me at the bus stop," Belén said. Posted under the photo published by the grateful daughter are many positive comments regarding the demonstration of love by this father, and many also shared their similar life experiences. Some users, however, criticized the fact that this father always waits for his daughter in the evenings, as it could be dangerous for him too; but Bélen has stated that it is his choice and that if he did not do it, he would not feel as if he was doing his fatherly duties properly.

Do you also feel anxious when your children or grandchildren have to come home late at night?
