Mother travels by plane with her 2 and 5-year-old sons: three strangers offer to help keep the children calm during the trip

Taking a long journey aboard public transport can be fun when you are travelling in the right company. It can also be very boring if we do it on our own, and it can be particularly exhausting if we take very young children with us. In fact, we know that the more children you have with you, the more difficult it is to deal with the inevitable situation of them having to sit still without any activities to distract them and without anything exciting happening around them. This can make our trips a particularly exhausting journey when having to deal with this challenge. And this is something that happened to the mother in this story who had decided to take a plane trip with her two children - aged 5 and 2 - and unfortunately (but perhaps predictably) not everything went as planned...

The mother in question is an American called Becca Kinsey, and on Facebook she wanted to tell her readers how, some time ago, spontaneous and unexpected acts of kindness by some passengers on board the same plane that she had taken together with her two children (5 and 2 years old), really made her change her outlook on life. The 31-year-old mother had everything perfectly organized - she would leave her husband at home and take her two younger sons, James and Wyatt, to Disneyworld in Florida. The flight from Dallas to Orlando and return would take about three hours each way, plus the waiting time at check-in and security on the outward journey and the same duration on the way back. This was an interminable period of time for her two children, who became increasingly irritable and agitated as time passed.

Here is what happened on the outward journey in Becca's own words: "So, I thought it would be a good idea to fly to Disneyland with my 2 year old and 5 year old sons. We were queuing at security and I was on the verge of tears because Wyatt (the 5 year old) was screaming and James, the youngest, was clearly exhausted. Suddenly, a woman ducks out of the security line and says to Wyatt, "Come here, jump into my arms. I know what to do in these cases!" Wyatt thankfully fell asleep, and I while I was trying to carry everyone's luggage to the boarding gate, another woman jumps out of her place in line and says "Give all the bags to me, I'll take care of them!". When I said thank you to both of these kind angels, they replied: "Don't worry, we'll make sure you get on your flight."

But the acts of kindness didn't stop there: "A third woman took all the bags and helps me through security and, on top of that, she escorts us to the gate to make sure we get on our flight. Finally, to top it all, Wyatt starts yelling like a mad thing at take off. After about 45 minutes, another angel comes to the back of the plane and he says "Looks like you need a break" and he holds Wyatt for the rest of the flight and walks him, hand-in-hand, to the baggage reclaim area. He gives the bags to Blake (Blake is my husband who waiting for us at the arrival gate), hugs me and says "I wish you all a merry Christmas!"
In short, it seems that this harassed mother's trip to and from Orlando and Dallas was not all it was cracked up to be, but thanks to the unexpected kindness of some kind strangers, things eventually got sorted out and her two little children “survived” the lengthy trip!
Long live kindness in the world!