Employee refuses to donate 6 days of her vacation to a colleague and she attacks her: "You don't have children, you don't need them!"

Holidays are sacred, but it is not so easy to be able to accumulate holiday days to take: think about freelance workers in the United States of America - the only country in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a group made up of the 36 richest nations of the world - but which does not oblige employers to grant paid annual leave to this category of worker. If holidays are sacred for everyone, imagine what it's like for those who can hardly take a few days off each year. The subject of this story is 27 years old and has been working for her current company for 5 years. The young woman had accumulated quite a few days of vacation so she would be able to take a long vacation in Europe, but an older colleague - a mother of 3 children - asked her to donate 6 days of vacation to her. The young woman refused and her colleague didn't take it very well.
via Reddit

The young woman refused and acknowledged that being a mother is certainly much more tiring than not being one. She conceded that her colleague undoubtedly deserved to unplug from work for a while; but was it fair that she should deprive herself of her vacation days which had been so hard to accumulate? Not having kids doesn't mean you can't be tired or deserve a vacation. The young woman asked for advice on the internet, as she felt guilty after refusing to donate some of her vacation days. Most Reddit users have sided with her and supported her.
Eventually, the young woman updated Reddit account saying that her colleague "was no longer stuck" and that both she and other employees had given her a day off each, so that she could have enough days to take a vacation with her children.